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Soil Cover Diversity and Its Spatial Organization at Different Map Scales
Eurasian Soil Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-03 , DOI: 10.1134/s1064229320080098
P. V. Krasilnikov , M. I. Gerasimova , D. L. Golovanov , Yu. A. Golovleva , M. V. Konyushkova , V. A. Sidorova , A. S. Sorokin


We summarized the results of studies of pedodiversity and contrast and variability of soil properties based on the analyses of soil maps of different scales for the republics of Karelia and Dagestan and the Moscow region. We used fragments of the Soil Map of the Russian Federation on a scale of 1 : 2 500 000 as a small-scale map and three different medium-scale maps (from 1 : 300 000 to 1 : 500 000). Large-scale maps (1 : 10 000) were compiled for representative plots within the studied territories specifically for the study of pedodiversity. All the maps were digitized, map legends were converted to the new Russian soil classification system and to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB), and Shannon–Wiener diversity indices were calculated. Comparison of indicators revealed the dependence of the values of the diversity indices on the map scale. The indicators for the large-scale map were relatively low and did not differ much when using Russian and international classification. We concluded that for the successful assessment of soil diversity at different scales, it is important to use several large-scale maps that reflect the heterogeneity of regional soilscapes. Natural boundaries between soilscapes and soil regions can be found using the pedodiversity index map. In almost all cases, maps with a WRB-based legend had lower indicators of pedodiversity than maps with a legend based on the Russian soil classification. This confirms the fact that the international classification is less detailed than the Russian national classification, which was originally intended for large-scale mapping of soils.




我们根据对卡累利阿,达吉斯坦共和国和莫斯科地区的不同比例尺的土壤图进行分析,总结了土壤特性的对比,对比和变异性的研究结果。我们使用了俄罗斯联邦土壤地图的片段比例为1:2 500 000(作为小比例尺地图)和三个不同的中等比例尺地图(从1:300 000到1:500 000)。为研究范围内的代表性地块专门编辑了大地生物的大比例尺地图(1:10000)。所有地图都被数字化,地图图例被转换为新的俄罗斯土壤分类系统和世界土壤资源参考库(WRB),并计算了香农-维纳多样性指数。指标的比较显示了多样性指数值对地图比例的依赖。大型地图的指标相对较低,在使用俄罗斯和国际分类时,相差不大。我们得出结论,为了成功评估不同规模的土壤多样性,重要的是要使用几个反映区域土壤景观异质性的大型地图。土壤景观和土壤区域之间的自然界线可以通过使用土壤坡度指数图找到。在几乎所有情况下,带有基于WRB的图例的地图比基于俄罗斯土壤分类的带有图例的地图具有更低的指示性。这证实了这样一个事实,即国际分类要比最初用于大规模土壤制图的俄罗斯国家分类要详细。
