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Digital laser speckle technique for generating deflection, slope, and curvature contours of bent plates
Optical Engineering ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-02 , DOI: 10.1117/1.oe.59.9.094101
Austin Giordano 1 , Fu-Pen Chiang 1

Abstract. A digital method is proposed whereby spatial speckles created when an optically rough surface is illuminated by a diffuse coherent laser beam are used to generate slope contour fringes. This is done by photographing the speckles contained in a parallel plane in front of the plate before and after deformation. The resulting photographs are then fast Fourier transformed twice and numerically compared with the digital speckle correlation software called computer-aided speckle interferometry to produce slope contours of the plate. The slope contour data are then stored in a computational array. The curvature contours are generated by numerical differentiation of the slope data; similarly, the deflection contours are generated by numerical integration of the slope data. The curvature data can then be further used in conjunction with plate theory to obtain the bending and twisting moments the plates experience as well as the stress distribution in the surface of the plate. The method is simple and straight forward. A comparison with several other techniques is presented.


