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Effects of habitat use on food acquisition and food caching during a nonbreeding season in a winter-breeding, food-storing passerine
Bird Study ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00063657.2020.1807462
Yuusuke Nishida 1 , Masaoki Takagi 2

ABSTRACT Capsule: Wintering male Bull-headed Shrikes Lanius buchepalus preferred vegetable fields with perch sites to search for and detect terrestrial prey, and males occupying territories with large areas of vegetable fields acquired more prey and cached more food. Aims: To better understand effects of habitat use on food acquisition and food caching of the Bull-headed Shrike, we investigated relationships between habitat quality (measured through foraging-site selection and foraging success) and food caching during the non-breeding season. Methods: We monitored 66 territorial male shrikes during the non-breeding season from 2014 to 2016, and collected data on foraging-site selection, foraging success, and food caching. Results: Our field observations showed that male shrikes preferred to forage over vegetable fields and that males occupying territories incorporating large areas of that habitat were able to acquire more food items and store more food caches in their territories during the nonbreeding season. Conclusion: We suggest that for male Bull-headed Shrikes, a winter-breeding food-storing passerine, the quality of habitat in the nonbreeding season has the potential to affect their subsequent fitness.



摘要胶囊:越冬雄性牛头伯劳更喜欢有栖息地的菜地来寻找和发现陆地猎物,而占据大面积菜地领土的雄性会获得更多的猎物并储存更多的食物。目的:为了更好地了解栖息地利用对牛头伯劳的食物获取和食物缓存的影响,我们调查了栖息地质量(通过觅食地点选择和觅食成功来衡量)与非繁殖季节食物缓存之间的关系。方法:我们在 2014 年至 2016 年的非繁殖季节监测了 66 只领地雄性伯劳鸟,并收集了有关觅食地点选择、觅食成功率和食物缓存的数据。结果:我们的实地观察表明,雄性伯劳更喜欢在菜地上方觅食,并且在非繁殖季节,占据该栖息地大面积领土的雄性伯劳能够获得更多的食物并在其领土上储存更多的食物储藏室。结论:我们认为,对于雄性牛头伯劳,一种冬季繁殖的食物储存雀科,非繁殖季节的栖息地质量有可能影响其随后的健康。