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Response of Food Barley (Hordeum Vugarae L.) To Boron Blend Fertilizer Rates on Alisols in Southern Highlands of Ethiopia
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2020.1813752
Eyasu Elias 1 , Beyene Teklu Mellisse 2 , Getachew Agegnehu 3 , Desalegn Ayele 4

ABSTRACT Continuous use of only N and P containing fertilizers are claimed to be the causes of other secondary and micronutrients depletion, resulting in low crop productivity in Ethiopia. In this study, on-farm trials were conducted to compare the effect of multinutrient blended fertilizer – also called boron blend (NPSB: 18. 1 N – 36.1 P2O5 – 6.7S – 0.71B) on the yield and yield components of food barley grown in Alisols in southern Ethiopia during 2017 and 2018 cropping seasons. Seven treatments involving five levels of born-blend fertilizer (50, 100, 150, 200, and 300 kg NPSB kg ha−1) were compared against a compound fertilizer (100 kgha−1 NPS) and the conventionally used 150 kg ha−1 di-ammonium phosphate (DAP). The seven treatments were replicated five times using farm fields as replicates and arranged in randomized complete block design (RCBD). Results revealed significant yield advantages of applying micronutrient containing fertilizers compared to fertilizers without micronutrients. The marginal rate of return analysis showed that the application of 100 NPSB kg ha−1 was the most profitable and agronomically efficient. Season and the soil fertility variation among farmers had a significant (p < .001) effect on food barley yield. Application of Boron blend fertilizer had 500 kg ha−1 grain yield advantage compared to equivalent amount of DAP that was highly promoted by the extension system. B-blended fertilizer was advantageous when applied during good rainy seasons in Alisols of Ethiopian highlands. For good performances of B-blended fertilizers, taking into account the soil moisture availability is advised for both better productivity and agronomic efficiency.


埃塞俄比亚南部高地食用大麦 (Hordeum Vugarae L.) 对硼肥对 Alisols 的反应

摘要 仅持续使用含氮和磷的肥料据称是导致其他次生和微量营养素消耗的原因,导致埃塞俄比亚的作物生产力低下。在这项研究中,进行了农场试验,以比较多营养素混合肥料 - 也称为硼混合物(NPSB:18. 1 N – 36.1 P2O5 – 6.7S – 0.71B)对种植的食用大麦的产量和产量成分的影响在 2017 年和 2018 年作物季节期间,埃塞俄比亚南部的 Alisols。七个处理涉及五个水平的原生混合肥料(50、100、150、200 和 300 kg NPSB kg ha-1)与复合肥料(100 kgha-1 NPS)和常规使用的 150 kg ha-1 进行比较磷酸二铵(DAP)。七个处理以农田为重复进行五次重复,并以随机完全区组设计(RCBD)排列。结果表明,与不含微量营养素的肥料相比,使用含微量营养素的肥料具有显着的产量优势。边际收益率分析表明,施用 100 NPSB kg ha-1 是最有利可图和农艺效率最高的。农民之间的季节和土壤肥力变化对食用大麦产量有显着影响 (p < .001)。与推广系统大力推广的等量 DAP 相比,施用硼混合肥料具有 500 kg ha-1 的粮食产量优势。在埃塞俄比亚高地 Alisols 的雨季,B 混合肥料是有利的。为获得 B 混合肥料的良好性能,