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A Core Subset of the ex situ Collection of S. demissum at the US Potato Genebank
American Journal of Potato Research ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s12230-020-09799-9
Alfonso del Rio , John Bamberg

Useful genetic diversity found in wild potato germplasm is important for progress in potato breeding and science. An effective way to maximize its utilization is through characterization of ex situ collections. For example, marker-based core subsets from large collections are an effective strategy to accelerate evaluation, utilize germplasm, and enhance cost-effectiveness. This project used AFLP markers to create a core subset for the US Potato Genebank’s collection of S. demissum. This species from Mexico and Guatemala is known for excellent levels of late blight resistance and frost tolerance. A total of 149 accessions with diverse geographic origin were characterized with 1403 AFLP markers; these markers were effective on determining genetic associations among the accessions. For the core subset, the AFLP loci were considered as traits, with the presence of the marker as the required state to include in a core. The results of the analyses identified that 10 of the accessions of S. demissum captured 83% of all the markers detected in the whole collection. The inclusion of 28 additional accessions, which had between 1 to 5 unique markers, resulted in a core set of 38 accessions that captured 96% of all the marker diversity. We expect this can benefit the genebank and the potato community by opening opportunities for research, trait screenings, and marker association studies.



在野生马铃薯种质资源中发现有用的遗传多样性对于马铃薯育种和科学发展至关重要。最大限度地利用其资源的有效途径是通过对异地收藏品进行鉴定。例如,来自大量馆藏的基于标记的核心子集是加速评估,利用种质和提高成本效益的有效策略。该项目使用AFLP标记为美国马铃薯种质库(S. demissum)的收藏创建了核心子集。该物种来自墨西哥和危地马拉,以晚疫病抗性和抗霜冻性极佳而著称。共有149个具有不同地理起源的登录品,使用1403 AFLP标记进行了鉴定;这些标记对于确定种质之间的遗传关联是有效的。对于核心子集,AFLP基因座被视为特征,标记物的存在是包含在核心中的必需状态。分析结果表明,在整个收集物中检测到的所有标记中,有10个缺失的链球菌捕获了83%的标记。包括28种其他种质,其中1至5种独特标记,产生了38个核心种质,捕获了所有标记多样性的96%。我们希望通过开放研究,性状筛选和标记关联研究的机会,可以使种质库和马铃薯社区受益。
