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Review of Macropodia in the Black Sea supported by molecular barcoding data; with the redescription of the type material, observations on ecology and epibiosis of Macropodia czernjawskii (Brandt, 1880) and notes on other Atlanto-Mediterranean species of Macropodia Leach, 1814 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Inachidae)
Zoosystematics and Evolution ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.3897/zse.96.48342
Vassily A. Spiridonov , Ulyana V. Simakova , Sergey E. Anosov , Anna K. Zalota , Vitaly A. Timofeev

Macropodia czernjawskii (Brandt, 1880), described from the Black Sea, was ignored in the regional faunal accounts for more than a century, although it was recognised in the Mediterranean. Instead, M. longirostris (Fabricius, 1775) and M. rostrata (Linnaeus, 1761) were frequently listed for the Black Sea. We selected a lectotype and redescribed the species on the basis of the type series from the Crimean Peninsula and the new material collected in the Black Sea. Historical and new collections, as well as the analysis of publications, indicate that M. czernjawskii is the only Macropodia species occurring in the Black Sea. Molecular barcode (COI gene marker) data show that M. czernjawskii is a species well-diverged from other studied species of the group. Furthermore, M. parva van Noort & Adema, 1985 has very low genetic distances from M. rostrata and M. longipes A. Milne-Edwards & Bouvier, 1899 is indistinguishable from M. tenuirostris (Leach, 1814), using COI sequences. The respective synonimisations, supported by morphological data, are proposed. M. czernjawskii is a Black Sea – Mediterranean endemic occurring also in the neighbouring Atlantic coastal zone of the Iberian Peninsula and occupying shallower depth, compared to other Mediterranean species of Macropodia. As an upper subtidal inshore species, it is particularly specialised in self-decoration and stimulates abundant epibiosis, providing masking and protection. The bulk of epibiosis consists of algae and cyanobacteria. Amongst the 25 autotrophic eukaryote taxa, identified to the lowest possible level, green chlorophytes Cladophora sp. and calcareous rhodophytes Corallinales gen. sp. were most commonly recorded. Non-indigenous red alga Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot, first officially recorded at the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea in 2015, was present in the epibiosis of M. czernjawskii in Crimea as early as 2011.


分子条形码数据支持的黑海大足动物的回顾;带有类型材料的重新命名,Macropopia czernjawskii(勃朗特,1880年)的生态学和流行病学观察,以及1814年Macropodia Leach的其他大西洋-地中海物种(甲壳纲,德卡波达,Inachidae)

黑海的Macropodia czernjawskii(勃朗特,1880年),尽管在地中海地区得到认可,但在一个多世纪的区域动物群中却被忽略了。取而代之的是,黑海龙(M. longirostris(Fabricius,1775))和罗斯特拉塔(M. rostrata)(Linnaeus,1761)经常被列入黑海。我们选择了一个电选型,并根据克里米亚半岛的类型系列和在黑海中收集的新材料重新描述了该物种。历史和新藏书以及出版物分析表明,Czernjawskii菌是黑海中唯一发生的巨足动物物种。分子条形码(COI基因标记)数据显示M. czernjawskii是与该组其他研究物种完全不同的物种。此外,M。parva van Noort&Adema,1985与M.的遗传距离很低。rostrata和M. longipes A. Milne-Edwards&Bouvier,1899年使用COI序列与Tenuirostris(Leach,1814年)没有区别。提出了在形态学数据支持下的各个同步。M. czernjawskii是黑海-地中海特有种,也发生在伊比利亚半岛的大西洋沿岸地区,与其他地中海大螯虾物种相比,其深度较浅。作为潮间带近岸上物种,它特别擅长自我装饰,并刺激大量的生物繁殖,提供掩蔽和保护。大部分的流行病包括藻类和蓝细菌。在25种自养真核生物类群中,绿色叶绿体Cladophora sp。被确定为最低水平。和钙质红藻Corallinales gen。sp。最常见的记录。