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An analysis of genetic diversity actions, indicators and targets in 114 National Reports to the Convention on Biological Diversity
bioRxiv - Scientific Communication and Education Pub Date : 2020-09-08 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.08.28.254672
Sean Hoban , Catriona Campbell , Jessica da Silva , Robert Ekblom , W Chris Funk , Brittany Garner , Jose A Godoy , Francine Kershaw , Anna MacDonald , Joachim Mergeay , Melissa Minter , David O'Brien , Ivan Paz-Vinas , Sarah Kim Pearson , Silvia Perez-Espona , Kevin Potter , Isa-Rita Russo , Gernot Segelbacher , Cristiano Vernesi , Margaret E Hunter

Genetic diversity is critically important for all species- domesticated and wild- to adapt to environmental change, and for ecosystem resilience to extreme events. International agreements such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have committed to conserve and sustainably and equitably use all levels of biodiversity- genes, species and ecosystems- globally. However, assessment and monitoring of genetic diversity are often overlooked, and there are large knowledge and policy gaps regarding genetic diversity conservation. In this study, we present the first quantitative analysis of genetic diversity assessments conducted by Parties to the CBD. We conducted a detailed, systematic analysis of 114 CBD 5th (submitted 2014) and 6th (submitted 2018) National Reports to quantitatively assess actions, progress on targets, values and indicators related to genetic diversity. First, we found that the importance of genetic diversity is recognised by most Parties to the CBD, and that recognition increased over time. However, genetic targets mainly addressed genetic diversity within cultivated plants, farm animals, and crop wild relatives, with little focus on other wild species. Also, actions for conserving genetic diversity primarily concerned ex-situ facilities and policy, rather than monitoring and intervention for maintaining genetic diversity in situ. The most commonly used indicators of genetic diversity status were the number of genetic resources in conservation facilities, number of threatened breeds, and Red List Index, which are not well correlated to genetic erosion in most species -- highlighting that genetic change is poorly monitored by current indicators. Lastly, analyses of genetic data observations, indigenous use and knowledge of genetic diversity, and strategies being developed and implemented to conserve genetic diversity are highly under-reported. We make several recommendations for the post-2020 CBD Biodiversity Framework to improve awareness, assessment, and monitoring, and facilitate consistent and complete reporting of progress of genetic diversity in future National Reports.


