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Soil fertility constraints and management to increase crop yields in the dryland farming systems of Aceh, Indonesia
Soil Research ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1071/sr19324
Malem K. McLeod , S. Sufardi , S. Harden

In Aceh, Indonesia, low dryland crop yields entrench rural poverty. The lack of soil fertility information hinders the development of soil management programs to assist farmers to increase crop yield. This study identified soil-based constraints to production and management options to increase crop yield. We analysed 254 soil samples from 127 dryland cropping sites across Pidie, Bireuen, Aceh Besar and Aceh Barat districts for pH, soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), base saturation (BS) and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The dominant soils were Entisols, Inceptisols and Ultisols, with some Andisols and Mollisols. Overall, the CEC range was 10–60 cmol(+) kg–1 and available P was 0.5–702 mg kg–1 but most had poor fertility: SOC 20% and available P < 6.5 mg kg–1. To sustainably increase crop yield, we concluded that these soils need lime where acidic, fertilisers for nutrients and stable carbon-rich amendments for system stability. This dataset will guide future agricultural research and development programs in Aceh to improve farmer practices and food security.



在印度尼西亚亚齐,旱地作物产量低使农村贫困更加严重。土壤肥力信息的缺乏阻碍了土壤管理计划的发展,以帮助农民提高作物产量。该研究确定了基于土壤的对生产和管理选择的限制,以提高作物产量。我们分析了来自 Pidie、Bireuen、Aceh Besar 和 Aceh Barat 地区 127 个旱地种植点的 254 个土壤样品的 pH 值、土壤有机碳 (SOC)、总氮 (N)、磷 (P)、碱饱和度 (BS) 和阳离子交换容量 (CEC)。主要土壤为Entisols、Inceptisol 和Ultisol,还有一些Andisol 和Mollisol。总体而言,CEC 范围为 10-60 cmol(+) kg-1,有效磷为 0.5-702 mg kg-1,但大多数生育力较差:SOC 20% 且有效磷 < 6.5 mg kg-1。为了可持续地提高作物产量,我们得出的结论是,这些土壤需要酸性石灰、营养肥料和稳定的富含碳的改良剂以确保系统稳定性。该数据集将指导亚齐未来的农业研发计划,以改善农民的做法和粮食安全。