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Droplet fusion by the interplay of electric potential and converging–diverging geometry in micro‐channels
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1002/jctb.6559
Teng Zhou 1 , Xiang Ji 1 , Liuyong Shi 1 , Xianman Zhang 1 , Sang W. Joo 2

Rapid and precise manipulation of droplets in microfluidic devices is in greater demand than ever. Droplet fusion and separation based on dielectrophoresis (DEP) in particular, commonly employed in a variety of biomedical operations, are studied extensively. Here, a full‐scale computational study is performed to understand the mechanism for the fusion of relatively small microdroplets. Based on the phase field theory, the droplet boundary is precisely tracked and a mathematical model including laminar flow, electrostatic field, and phase field is developed, while the DEP force acting on droplets is obtained by the Maxwell stress tensor (MST) method.


