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Higher differentiability for solutions of stationary p‐Stokes systems
Mathematische Nachrichten ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-31 , DOI: 10.1002/mana.201800519
Flavia Giannetti 1 , Antonia Passarelli di Napoli 1 , Christoph Scheven 2

We consider weak solutions ( u , π ) : Ω R n × R to stationary p‐Stokes systems of the type
div a ( x , E u ) + π + [ D u ] u = f , div u = 0
in Ω R n , where the function a ( x , ξ ) satisfies p‐growth conditions in ξ and depends Hölder continuously on x. By E u we denote the symmetric part of the gradient D u and we write [ D u ] u for the convective term. In this setting, we establish results on the fractional higher differentiability of both the symmetric part of the gradient E u and of the pressure π. As an application, we deduce dimension estimates for the singular set of the gradient D u , thereby improving known results on partial C 1 , α ‐regularity for solutions to stationary p‐Stokes systems.



我们考虑较弱的解决方案 ü π Ω [R ñ × [R 到类型的固定式p- Stokes系统
- div 一种 X Ë ü + π + [ d ü ] ü = F div ü = 0
Ω [R ñ ,这里的功能 一种 X ξ 满足ξ中p的增长条件,并连续取决于x的Hölder 。通过 Ë ü 我们表示梯度的对称部分 d ü 然后我们写 [ d ü ] ü 对流期。在这种情况下,我们建立了梯度两个对称部分的分数高微分的结果 Ë ü 和压力π。作为应用,我们推导了梯度的奇异集的维估计 d ü ,从而改善了部分已知结果 C 1个 α 固定p- Stokes系统解决方案的正规性。