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Alley cropping as an alternative under changing climate and risk scenarios: A Monte-Carlo simulation approach
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2020.102938
Michael A. Cary , Gregory E. Frey

Abstract Alley cropping is an agroforestry system in which annual crops are grown in alleys between rows of woody perennials for timber or other products, which can provide ecosystem services and help farmers diversify outputs. But is alley cropping a financially viable alternative to monocropping? To answer this question, a Monte Carlo model of financial risk and returns was used to understand how this diversification of outputs might help farmers in the southeast United States adapt to future scenarios in which agriculture or forestry may become more risky due to a changing climate or other factors. Traditional monocropping had the highest mean returns in the base scenario (based on current risk conditions), but the highest risk. Pine plantations had the lowest returns and lowest risk, and alley cropping was intermediate (mean soil expectation values of $5513 for monocropping, $3955 for alley cropping, and $2693 for pine plantations). The model results showed that traditional monocropping does not stochastically dominate alley cropping in any of the risk scenarios, meaning that alley cropping may have a place for risk-averse farmers. Furthermore, in the scenario in which the downside risk of annual crop production is increased – perhaps due to increased frequency of floods, droughts, etc. – alley cropping mean returns are higher and risk lower than traditional monocropping (mean soil expectation values of $2951 and $2911, respectively, and pine plantations at $2688), meaning any risk averse farmer might prefer alley cropping to monocropping.



摘要 小巷种植是一种农林业系统,一年生作物种植在一排木本多年生植物之间的小巷中,用于木材或其他产品,可以提供生态系统服务并帮助农民实现产量多样化。但是,胡同种植是一种经济上可行的单一种植替代方案吗?为了回答这个问题,我们使用了金融风险和回报的蒙特卡罗模型来了解这种产出的多样化如何帮助美国东南部的农民适应未来的情景,在这些情景中,农业或林业可能因气候变化或气候变化而变得更具风险。其他因素。传统单一作物在基本情景下(基于当前风险条件)的平均回报最高,但风险也最高。松树种植园的回报最低,风险最低,和小巷种植是中等的(单一种植的平均土壤预期值为 5513 美元,小巷种植为 3955 美元,松树种植为 2693 美元)。模型结果表明,在任何风险情景中,传统的单一种植都不会随机地主导小巷种植,这意味着小巷种植可能适合厌恶风险的农民。此外,在年度作物产量下行风险增加的情况下——可能是由于洪水、干旱等发生的频率增加——与传统的单一作物相比,胡同种植的平均回报更高,风险更低(平均土壤预期值为 2951 美元和分别为 2911 美元和 2688 美元的松树种植园),这意味着任何规避风险的农民可能更喜欢小巷种植而不是单一种植。和 2693 美元的松树种植园)。模型结果表明,在任何风险情景中,传统的单一种植都不会随机地主导小巷种植,这意味着小巷种植可能适合厌恶风险的农民。此外,在年度作物产量下行风险增加的情况下——可能是由于洪水、干旱等频率的增加——小巷种植的平均回报比传统的单一种植更高,风险更低(平均土壤预期值为 2951 美元和分别为 2911 美元和 2688 美元的松树种植园),这意味着任何规避风险的农民可能更喜欢小巷种植而不是单一种植。松树种植园 2693 美元)。模型结果表明,在任何风险情景中,传统的单一种植都不会随机地主导小巷种植,这意味着小巷种植可能适合厌恶风险的农民。此外,在年度作物产量下行风险增加的情况下——可能是由于洪水、干旱等发生的频率增加——与传统的单一作物相比,胡同种植的平均回报更高,风险更低(平均土壤预期值为 2951 美元和分别为 2911 美元和 2688 美元的松树种植园),这意味着任何规避风险的农民可能更喜欢小巷种植而不是单一种植。