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Evaluation of three entomopathogenic nematode species against nymphs and adults of the sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata
BioControl ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s10526-020-10045-8
Ivan Julià , Ana Morton , Meritxell Roca , Fernando Garcia-del-Pino

The sycamore lace bug Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) is an invasive species native to North America that has been introduced in Europe and infests various species of the ornamental plane trees (Platanus sp.). This study aims to test the susceptibility of C. ciliata nymphs and adults to different doses of three entomopathogenic nematode species under laboratory conditions. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora did not infect C. ciliata nymphs, while Steinernema carpocapsae exhibited higher virulence (77–96% at 132 IJs cm−2) to all stages of C. ciliata than S. feltiae (10–39% at 132 IJs cm−2). Steinernema carpocapsae was significantly more virulent at the highest dose (132 IJs cm−2) than at the medium (50 IJs cm−2) and lowest (25 IJs cm−2) doses. After 6 h and 12 h of nymph exposure to S. carpocapsae, this nematode caused 39% and 47% mortality at 132 IJs cm−2, respectively. The virulence of S. carpocapsae was significantly lower at 15 °C than at 25 °C (75.5% and 96% adult mortality, respectively) but was still more virulent than S. feltiae at both temperatures (29.5% and 39% adult mortality, respectively). These results show that S. carpocapsae could constitute a viable biological control agent for C. ciliata.


对三种昆虫致病性线虫物种对无花果和无花果花边臭虫Corythucha ciliata的成虫的评估

美国梧桐花边虫Corythucha ciliata(Say)(半翅目:定蝇科)是北美洲的一种入侵物种,已在欧洲引入,并感染了各种观赏平面树(Ptantanus sp。)。这项研究旨在测试的敏感性C.椿若虫和成虫实验室条件下不同剂量的三种昆虫病原线虫种类。异小嗜菌没有传染C.椿若虫,而斯carpocapsae(在132 IJS厘米77-96%表现出较高的毒力-2)到各阶段C.椿S.氏线虫(10-39%在132 IJS厘米-2)。最高剂量(132 IJs cm -2)和中等剂量(50 IJs cm -2)和最低剂量(25 IJs cm -2)相比,Steinernema carpocapsae的毒性明显更高。在若虫暴露于腕足链球菌的6小时和12小时后,该线虫在132 IJs cm -2处分别导致39%和47%的死亡率。的毒力S. carpocapsae在15℃下显著低于在25℃(75.5%和96%成虫死亡率,分别地),但仍然比更致命S.氏线虫在两个温度(29.5%和39%成虫死亡率,分别)。这些结果表明炭疽链球菌可以构成一个可行的生物控制剂C.椿