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Driver Reactions to Uphill Grades: Inference from a Stochastic Car-Following Model
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-31 , DOI: 10.1177/0361198120945597
Tu Xu 1 , Jorge Laval 1

This paper analyzes the impact of uphill grades on the acceleration drivers choose to impose on their vehicles. Statistical inference is made based on the maximum likelihood estimation of a two-regime stochastic car-following model using Next Generation SIMulation (NGSIM) data. Previous models assume that the loss in acceleration on uphill grades is given by the effects of gravity. We find evidence that this is not the case for car drivers, who tend to overcome half of the gravitational effects by using more engine power. Truck drivers only compensate for 5% of the loss, possibly because of limited engine power. This indicates not only that current models are severely overestimating the operational impacts that uphill grades have on regular vehicles, but also underestimating their environmental impacts. We also find that car-following model parameters are significantly different among shoulder, median and middle lanes but more data is needed to understand clearly why this happens.



