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Nano gold incorporated into Aerva javanica chitosan hydrogels disrupting agents against infections of burn wound
Materials Technology ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-31
Bin Mu, Ruifeng Wang, Jie Gao, Zongyu Li, Xin Li

S. aureus (SA) and P. aeruginosa (PA) contaminations in thermally hurt patients have controlled invasive illness producing humanity. Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) engaged in behaviour have limits owed to their oxidative damage. Current examinations demonstrated the biosynthesis of highly biocompatible AuNPs from rich antioxidant of aqueous cutting of Aerva javanica (A. javanica). The cell viability of the biosynthesised AuNPs was examined by cancerous cell lines (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) and non-cancerous cell lines (HUVECs), which displayed the high biocompatibility in all the cell lines. We developed the encapsulation with chitosan hydrogels to the AuNPs for the burn wound infections created by the Sprague Dawley rats. Remarkable burn wound reduction in the chitosan hydrogels was found. The histological analysis also suggested the burn wound contracting without causing any damages. The outcomes indicated that AuNPs incorporate to the chitosan hydrogels are promising burn wound dressing resources for the treatment for wound healing.


纳米金被掺入Aerva javanica壳聚糖水凝胶中,用于抗烧伤感染

热损伤患者中的金黄色葡萄球菌(SA)和铜绿假单胞菌(PA)污染已控制了导致人类入侵的疾病。参与行为的金纳米颗粒(AuNPs)由于其氧化损伤而受到限制。当前的检查证明了由爪哇菜er(A。javanica)的含水切屑的丰富抗氧化剂生物合成高度生物相容性的AuNP。通过癌细胞系(MCF-7和MDA-MB-231)和非癌细胞系(HUVEC)检查了生物合成的AuNP的细胞活力,这些细胞系在所有细胞系中均显示出高生物相容性。我们开发了壳聚糖水凝胶对AuNPs的封装,用于治疗Sprague Dawley大鼠造成的烧伤感染。壳聚糖水凝胶中烧伤明显减少。组织学分析还表明烧伤创面收缩而没有造成任何损害。结果表明,AuNPs结合到壳聚糖水凝胶中有望用于治疗伤口愈合的烧伤创面。
