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From the Chief Executive and IFST News
Food Science and Technology Pub Date : 2020-08-31 , DOI: 10.1002/fsat.3403_3.x
Jon Poole


UK Government food strategies appear to be like the buses right now. Nothing for years and then two are published within the space of a week. The first, launched on 27 July, was Tackling obesity: empowering adults and children to live healthier lives, a policy paper published by Department of Health and Social Care. The second, released just two days later, was The National Food Strategy Interim Report – A Response to COVID‐19 published by Henry Dimbleby on behalf of Defra.

Whilst both reports attempt to tackle a broad range of issues and challenges around food and health, the main emphasis of the two reports and the associated press commentary is on tackling obesity and, more generally, encouraging healthy eating. The media has been very quick to focus on the food sector and the role it should play in offering healthier choices through reformulation of existing products and through clearer labelling. As responsible food professionals I know we will all continue to strive to do all we can with these goals in mind.

Both reports have been published against a backdrop of COVID‐19. The pandemic itself and the subsequent threat of a significant economic downturn have forced very many of us to reevaluate our lives and our life‐style choices. For some, the reaction has been to ‘comfort eat’ or turn more to take‐aways as a replacement to eating out. Others have taken to more cooking at home and eating more healthily. Sadly, others, due to economic necessity, have had to face the reality of having to rely on food banks. For those finding themselves with extra time on their hands, some have taken to running and cycling in parks whilst others have tended towards watching more box sets and binge‐watching TV.

And this, surely, is the biggest challenge of all when developing a strategy aimed at tackling obesity. Much of the success will, ultimately, be down to consumers’ behaviours and, in particular, their responses to the various approaches being put forward. Tackling obesity will call on the experience and expertise of the very widest definitions of food scientists and technologists – from those involved in new product development and reformulation through to those working in sensory and consumer behavioural sciences ‐ from those working in nutrition through to food regulatory.

The media so often use these opportunities to criticise and blame the food sector. Let us all take the opportunity to demonstrate the huge positive contribution that food science and technology can make in helping tackle this issue.




英国政府的食品策略似乎现在就像公共汽车一样。多年没有出版,然后在一周之内出版了两本。第一项于7月27日启动,目的是解决肥胖:赋予成年人和儿童以更健康的生活的权利,这是卫生和社会护理部发布的政策文件。第二天仅两天后发布的是亨利·迪姆布雷比(Henry Dimbleby)代表黛夫拉(Defra)发表的《国家粮食战略中期报告–对COVID-19的回应》




