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User-friendly workflows for catchment modelling: Towards reproducible SWAT+ model studies
Environmental Modelling & Software ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-31 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104812
Celray James Chawanda , Chris George , Wim Thiery , Ann van Griensven , Jaclyn Tech , Jeffrey Arnold , Raghavan Srinivasan

A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is regularly used to support model applications in catchment hydrological modelling software. A GUI is generally user-friendly for novice users but opens sources of irreproducible research. We illustrate that none of the 10 Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) models over the Upper Blue Nile can easily be reproduced. Scripted workflows provide the ability to reproduce model set-ups, but they may be less user-friendly especially to novice users. We present a software (SWAT + AW) that promotes reproducible SWAT + model studies while remaining user-friendly for both novice and expert users. SWAT + AW uses a configuration file to create models that are compatible with GUI. We applied the workflow to the Blue Nile catchment and show that it yields the same results the SWAT + GUI. We conclude that such user-friendly scripted workflows enhance reproducibility, transparency and reusability of hydrological models. The software is publicly available at https://github.com/VUB-HYDR/SWATPlus-AW.


用户友好型流域建模工作流:进行可重复的SWAT +模型研究

图形用户界面(GUI)通常用于支持流域水文建模软件中的模型应用程序。GUI对于新手来说通常是用户友好的,但是打开了不可重复的研究来源。我们举例说明了上蓝尼罗河上的10种土壤和水评估工具(SWAT)模型都无法轻易复制。脚本化工作流提供了重现模型设置的功能,但是它们可能不那么友好,尤其是对于新手用户。我们提供了一款软件(SWAT + AW),可促进可重复的SWAT +模型研究,同时对新手和专家用户都保持用户友好。SWAT + AW使用配置文件来创建与GUI兼容的模型。我们将工作流程应用于Blue Nile流域,并显示出SWAT + GUI的结果相同。我们得出结论,这种用户友好的脚本化工作流程增强了水文模型的可重复性,透明度和可重用性。该软件可从https://github.com/VUB-HYDR/SWATPlus-AW上公开获得。
