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Impact of warm mesoscale eddy on tropical cyclone intensity
Acta Oceanologica Sinica ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s13131-020-1617-x
Jia Sun , Guihua Wang , Xuejun Xiong , Zhenli Hui , Xiaomin Hu , Zheng Ling , Long Yu , Guangbing Yang , Yanliang Guo , Xia Ju , Liang Chen

The spatial-temporal patterns of tropical cyclone (TC) intensity changes caused by the warm ocean mesoscale eddy (WOME) distribution are evaluated using two sets of idealized numerical experiments. The results show that the TC was intensified and weakened when a WOME was close to and far away from the TC center, respectively. The area where the WOME enhanced (weakened) TC intensity is called the inner (outer) area in this study. Amplitudes of the enhancement and weakening caused by the WOME in the inner and outer area decreased and increased over time, while the ranges of the inner and outer area diminished and expanded, respectively. The WOME in the inner area strengthened the secondary circulation of the TC, increased heat fluxes, strengthened the symmetry, and weakened the outer spiral rainband, which enhanced TC intensity. The effect was opposite if the WOME was in the outer area, and it weakened the TC intensity. The idealized simulation employed a stationary TC, and thus the results may only be applied to TCs with slow propagation. These findings can improve our understanding of the interactions between TC and the WOME and are helpful for improving TC intensity forecasting by considering the effect of the WOME in the outer areas.


