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Functional traits of avian frugivores have shifted following species extinction and introduction in the Hawaiian Islands
Functional Ecology ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-29 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13670
Samuel B. Case 1 , Corey E. Tarwater 1

  1. The extinction and introduction of species can alter ecological processes owing to the loss or gain of species roles. In vertebrate‐dependent seed dispersal, mutualisms between frugivores and fruiting plants depend, in part, on matching of functional traits. High species turnover of frugivores has occurred on the Hawaiian Islands, owing to both the loss of native frugivores and the introduction of a new suite of frugivores. How this turnover has altered the functional traits of frugivores and the potential impacts on seed dispersal remain unclear.
  2. We investigated how avian frugivore traits differed between historic and modern assemblages of the Hawaiian Islands. We also tested how traits shifted within foraging guilds (ground vs. arboreal) to distinguish potential impacts on plants within low versus high forest strata.
  3. Compared to historic frugivores, the modern assemblage is smaller in gape width and body mass in both ground and arboreal guilds. Wing shape did not significantly change between assemblages. From the results, we postulate that changes in the frugivore community have likely altered seed dispersal processes by reducing (a) the size of seeds consumed, (b) frugivory rates per animal and (c) seed dispersal distances.
  4. Owing to seed size placing strong constraints on consumption, we reviewed recent studies on frugivory by modern birds in the Hawaiian Islands and compared the size of seeds consumed versus seeds available. We found that larger‐seeded plants (>8.1 mm seed width) were not consumed by modern birds and were more likely to be of conservation risk compared to smaller‐seeded plants. Consequently, dispersal limitation may threaten Hawaiian plant communities, with larger‐seeded plants at greatest risk of extinction.
  5. Broadly, we show that extensive turnover within assemblages may lead to significant changes in functional traits, with potential knock‐on effects for mutualistic interactions and communities.



  1. 由于物种角色的丧失或获得,物种的灭绝和引进可以改变生态过程。在依赖脊椎动物的种子传播中,节食动物和果树之间的相互关系部分取决于功能性状的匹配。由于本地食肉动物的流失和引进了一套新的食肉动物,夏威夷群岛的食肉动物物种交易量很高。这种周转如何改变了节食动物的功能特性以及对种子传播的潜在影响仍不清楚。
  2. 我们调查了夏威夷群岛的历史与现代群体之间禽类食肉性状的差异。我们还测试了性状在觅食行会中的变化方式(地面对树木),以区分对低森林层和高森林层中植物的潜在影响。
  3. 与历史上的节食者相比,现代组合在地面行会和树栖行会中的缝隙宽度和体重都较小。组件之间的机翼形状没有明显变化。根据结果​​,我们推测节食动物群落的变化可能通过减少(a)食用种子的大小,(b)每只动物的节食率和(c)种子传播距离而改变了种子传播过程。
  4. 由于种子的大小严重限制了食用,因此我们回顾了夏威夷群岛现代鸟类对节食的最新研究,并比较了食用种子与可用种子的大小。我们发现,现代鸟类没有食用较大种子的植物(种子宽度> 8.1毫米),与较小种子的植物相比,它们更有可能受到保护。因此,扩散限制可能会威胁夏威夷的植物群落,其中较大种子的植物极有可能灭绝。
  5. 从广义上讲,我们表明,组合中的大量周转可能会导致功能性状发生重大变化,并可能对相互影响和社区产生连锁反应。