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Influence of naphthalene acetic acid on fruit setting, fruit quality and yield of Manilkara achras L. cv. Kalipatti under subtropical conditions
Indian Journal of Experimental Biology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-28
Gurteg Singh, Harsimrat Kaur Bons

Manilkara achras L., commonly called sapota, is one of the major fruit crops commercially grown in India. Though India leads in world sapota production, the major problems in sapota are low fruit setting and yield. Hence, we studied these aspects in the commercially grown sapota cv. Kalipatti in Punjab conditions. The experiment was conducted to standardize the doses of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) for fruit setting, quality and yield of sapota at Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2016 and 2017. The results revealed that foliar application of 100 ppm NAA at flowering and pea stage during May flowering resulted in higher fruit setting (4.9%) and higher fruit retention (83.5%) over other treatments including control. Similarly, higher fruit setting (18.5%) and higher fruit retention (88.5%) and higher yield (75.90 kg/tree) were recorded in July-August flowering with foliar application of 100 ppm NAA. Fruit quality in terms of average fruit weight (104 g), TSS (22.50 oBrix) and acidity (0.20%) was also higher in 100 ppm NAA foliar application. Significantly lower PLW (7.56%) was also recorded in 100 ppm NAA treatment. Furthermore, it was observed that profuse flowering occurred during May, July and August months but the later flowering resulted in better crop. The study concluded that fruit setting, quality and yield in sapota cv. Kalipatti can be enhanced through foliar application of 100 ppm NAA at flowering and pea stage during July-August flowering under subtropical conditions.


萘乙酸对Manilkara achras L. cv。坐果,果实品质和产量的影响。亚热带条件下的Kalipatti

Manilkara achras L.,通常称为沙波达(Sapota),是印度商业种植的主要水果作物之一。尽管印度在世界番茄制品产量方面处于领先地位,但印度番茄制品的主要问题是坐果率低和单产低。因此,我们在商业化种植的sapota cv中研究了这些方面。卡利帕蒂在旁遮普邦的条件下。在2016年至2017年间,该实验在卢迪亚纳的旁遮普农业大学进行了标准化,以保证坐果,果实品质和sapota的萘乙酸剂量。结果表明,在开花期和豌豆期叶面施用100 ppm NAA 5月开花期间,与其他处理方法(包括对照)相比,坐果率更高(4.9%),果实滞留率更高(83.5%)。同样,在七月至八月的开花期,叶面施用100 ppm NAA时,记录的坐果率更高(18.5%)和果实保留率(88.5%)和产量更高(75.90 kg /棵)。平均果实重量(104克),TSS(22.50 o在100 ppm NAA叶面施用中,白利糖度和酸度(0.20%)也较高。在100 ppm NAA处理中,PLW也显着降低(7.56%)。此外,观察到大量开花发生在5月,7月和8月,但是后期开花导致作物更好。该研究得出的结论是,sapota cv的坐果,品质和产量。在亚热带条件下的七月至八月开花期,在开花期和豌豆期叶面施用100 ppm NAA可以增强Kalipatti的品质