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Universal Face Photo-Sketch Style Transfer via Multiview Domain Translation.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ( IF 10.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-19 , DOI: 10.1109/tip.2020.3016502
Chunlei Peng , Nannan Wang , Jie Li , Xinbo Gao

Face photo-sketch style transfer aims to convert a representation of a face from the photo (or sketch) domain to the sketch (respectively, photo) domain while preserving the character of the subject. It has wide-ranging applications in law enforcement, forensic investigation and digital entertainment. However, conventional face photo-sketch synthesis methods usually require training images from both the source domain and the target domain, and are limited in that they cannot be applied to universal conditions where collecting training images in the source domain that match the style of the test image is unpractical. This problem entails two major challenges: 1) designing an effective and robust domain translation model for the universal situation in which images of the source domain needed for training are unavailable, and 2) preserving the facial character while performing a transfer to the style of an entire image collection in the target domain. To this end, we present a novel universal face photo-sketch style transfer method that does not need any image from the source domain for training. The regression relationship between an input test image and the entire training image collection in the target domain is inferred via a deep domain translation framework, in which a domain-wise adaption term and a local consistency adaption term are developed. To improve the robustness of the style transfer process, we propose a multiview domain translation method that flexibly leverages a convolutional neural network representation with hand-crafted features in an optimal way. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons are provided for universal unconstrained conditions of unavailable training images from the source domain, demonstrating the effectiveness and superiority of our method for universal face photo-sketch style transfer.


