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Towards an Accessible Use of a Brain-Computer Interfaces-Based Home Care System through a Smartphone.
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Pub Date : 2020-08-28 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/1843269
Koun-Tem Sun,Kai-Lung Hsieh,Syuan-Rong Syu

This study proposes a home care system (HCS) based on a brain-computer interface (BCI) with a smartphone. The HCS provides daily help to motor-disabled people when a caregiver is not present. The aim of the study is two-fold: (1) to develop a BCI-based home care system to help end-users control their household appliances, and (2) to assess whether the architecture of the HCS is easy for motor-disabled people to use. A motion-strip is used to evoke event-related potentials (ERPs) in the brain of the user, and the system immediately processes these potentials to decode the user’s intentions. The system, then, translates these intentions into application commands and sends them via Bluetooth to the user’s smartphone to make an emergency call or to execute the corresponding app to emit an infrared (IR) signal to control a household appliance. Fifteen healthy and seven motor-disabled subjects (including the one with ALS) participated in the experiment. The average online accuracy was 81.8% and 78.1%, respectively. Using component N2P3 to discriminate targets from nontargets can increase the efficiency of the system. Results showed that the system allows end-users to use smartphone apps as long as they are using their brain waves. More important, only one electrode O1 is required to measure EEG signals, giving the system good practical usability. The HCS can, thus, improve the autonomy and self-reliance of its end-users.



这项研究提出了一种基于智能手机脑机接口(BCI)的家庭护理系统(HCS)。当护理人员不在场时,HCS 会为运动障碍人士提供日常帮助。该研究的目的有两个:(1) 开发基于 BCI 的家庭护理系统,以帮助最终用户控制其家用电器;(2) 评估 HCS 的架构是否易于运动障碍人士使用人们使用。运动条用于唤起用户大脑中的事件相关电位(ERP),系统立即处理这些电位以解码用户的意图。然后,系统将这些意图转换为应用程序命令,并通过蓝牙将它们发送到用户的智能手机,以拨打紧急电话或执行相应的应用程序以发射红外(IR)信号来控制家用电器。十五名健康受试者和七名运动障碍受试者(包括一名患有 ALS 的受试者)参加了该实验。平均在线准确率分别为81.8%和78.1%。使用组件 N2P3 区分目标和非目标可以提高系统的效率。结果表明,该系统允许最终用户只要使用脑电波就可以使用智能手机应用程序。更重要的是,仅需要一个电极O1即可测量脑电信号,使系统具有良好的实用性。因此,HCS 可以提高最终用户的自主性和自力更生能力。