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Fostering appropriation through designing for multiple access points to a multidimensional understanding of physics
Physical Review Physics Education Research ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 
Olivia Levrini, Mariana Levin, Paola Fantini

The overarching goal of this paper is to describe the dialogue between theories of learning, curriculum design principles, and classroom implementations of designed curricular materials. In particular, we aim to illustrate this dialogue in the context of the implementation and subsequent analyses of a particular curricular unit on thermodynamics intended for advanced secondary students in Italy. The approach to design and instruction that we take in this work challenges a conventional organization of physics as hierarchically organized and instead promotes a multi-dimensional and thematically organized physics curriculum. In this paper, we emphasize not only the influence of theory on design, but also, how the analysis of specific classroom data from enactments of a designed curricula can contribute to theory-refining and theory-building. The iterative process of implementation, analysis, and theory-building has progressively led us to lay the groundwork for an inclusive and diversity-responsive “local theory of teaching physics content.” .


