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Insights Into Magma Chamber Processes From the Relationship Between Fabric and Grain Shape in Troctolitic Cumulates
Frontiers in Earth Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-29 , DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.00352
Marian B. Holness , Charlotte Morris , Zoja Vukmanovic , Dan J. Morgan

The strength of foliations defined by shape preferred orientation of plagioclase in troctolitic cumulates from the Layered Series of the Skaergaard intrusion, and the Rum Eastern Layered Intrusion, increases as the grains become more tabular, due either to the greater propensity of highly non-equant grains to be re-arranged by magmatic currents or tectonic disruption of poorly consolidated mush, or by the effects of a pre-existing shape preferred orientation on final grain shape in fully solidified rocks. The stratigraphic evolution of grain shape, microstructures and fabrics in the lowest 320 m of the Skaergaard Layered Series records the progressive inflation of the chamber to its final size. During the earliest stages of solidification, the extent of in situ nucleation and growth on the chamber floor decreased upward through the stratigraphy, due to the development of a thermally insulating blanket of mush on the floor. An upward increase in foliation strength as the chamber inflated to its final size was a result of the increasing strength of convection of the bulk magma and an increasing contribution to the floor mush of crystals derived from the walls of the enlarging magma chamber. Plagioclase in the troctolites in the open-system magma chamber of the Rum Eastern Layered Intrusion is generally more equant than that in the Skaergaard intrusion, perhaps related to the slower crystal growth on the margins of the continuously replenished Rum chamber. Significant sub-solidus modification of original igneous microstructures is observed in Rum troctolites from parts of the stratigraphy recording frequent replenishment events.



由八面体中斜长石形状的择优取向所定义的叶面强度,从Skaergaard入侵的层状系列和朗姆酒东部分层的入侵中累积,随着晶粒变得更板状而增加,这归因于高度不等晶粒的更大倾向岩浆流或固结性差的糊状岩浆的构造破坏,或完全固化的岩石中最终存在的形状优选取向对最终晶粒形状的影响,将其重新排列。在Skaergaard分层系列最低的320 m中,颗粒形状,微观结构和织物的地层演化记录了腔体逐渐膨胀到最终尺寸的过程。在凝固的最初阶段,原位由于地面上形成了一层糊状的绝热层,因此通过地层作用,腔室地面上的形核和生长逐渐减少。随着腔室膨胀至其最终尺寸,叶面强度的向上增加是由于块状岩浆的对流强度增加以及来自增大岩浆腔室壁的晶体对地壳的贡献增加的结果。朗姆酒东部分层侵入岩的开放系统岩浆腔中的闪长石中的斜长石一般比Skaergaard侵入岩中的斜长石更等宽,这可能与朗姆酒室不断补充的边缘晶体生长较慢有关。
