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16th Potsdam Thinkshop: The rotation periods of cool stars: Measurements, uses, connections and prospects
Astronomische Nachrichten ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-27 , DOI: 10.1002/asna.202013832
Sydney A. Barnes , Matthias Steffen , Klaus G. Strassmeier

This topical issue of Astronomische Nachrichten/Astronomical Notes contains a cross section of the articles that were presented at the 16th Potsdam Thinkshop, which was organized by the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) and held on its campus in Babelsberg in September 2019. The title of the Thinkshop was “The rotation periods of cool stars: Measurements, uses, connections and prospects.”

The motivations for organizing this Thinkshop were manifold. Rotation periods are rapidly becoming available for large numbers of cool stars, both from ground‐based efforts and from space missions such as Kepler, Gaia, TESS, and—before long—PLATO. These rotation periods offer independent and complementary information about stars in comparison to prior techniques. For instance, they are often used to derive ages for cool stars via a procedure known as gyrochronology. Rotation also helps to interpret and illuminate various magnetic and activity behaviors of stars, and rotation in turn is likely itself affected by various internal and external factors. Related topics include open clusters, membership verification, metallicity dependence, binary stars, effects of close companions, and various others, which might be relevant to the aims of well‐reasoned measurement, usage, and interpretation of rotation periods and to the future prospects of gyrochronology. The workshop enabled researchers to present their results in a more intimate setting than often possible, and significant time was reserved for discussions and interaction.

The relevant topics included:
  • Measurement of rotation periods
  • Rotation in open clusters
  • Membership of open clusters
  • Rotation of field stars
  • Interpretation of rotation periods
  • Differential rotation
  • Magnetism–rotation connection
  • Multiplicity studies of cool stars
  • Wide binaries
  • Ages from rotation
  • Lithium and Li‐rotation connection
  • X‐ray activity
  • Connections with other activity indicators and—last but not least—
  • Puzzles and complexities

The Scientific Organizing Committee consisted of Sydney Barnes (AIP, chair), Constantine Deliyannis (Indiana University, United States), Elisa Distefano (INAF, Catania, Italy), Jose D. do Nascimento (DFTE‐UFRN, Brazil & CfA‐SAO, United States), Thomas Granzer (AIP), Silva Järvinen (AIP), Elisabeth Newton (Dartmouth College, United States), Steven Saar (CfA, United States), and Klaus Strassmeier (AIP). A total of 54 participants from a number of different continents attended the Thinkshop. Further information is available on the Internet at: https://thinkshop.aip.de/16/cms/.

All of the relevant topics listed above were mentioned in some form or the other during the Thinkshop, and many were discussed extensively. We are pleased to include a selection of the presented articles in this Special Issue. All contributions to this issue were reviewed by expert referees.

We would like to express our gratitude to the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam for hosting this conference and to the AIP administrative staff for their competent administrative support.



本期《天文学杂志》 /《天文学笔记》包含在第16届波茨坦思想店上发表的文章的横断面,该书店由波布坦的莱布尼兹天体物理研究所(AIP)组织,于2019年9月在其位于Babelsberg的校园举行。 Thinkshop的标题是“凉爽恒星的自转周期:测量,用途,联系和前景”。


  • 轮换周期的测量
  • 开放集群中的旋转
  • 开放集群的成员资格
  • 场星的自转
  • 轮换期间的解释
  • 差速旋转
  • 磁力-旋转连接
  • 酷星的多重性研究
  • 宽二进制
  • 轮换年龄
  • 锂和锂旋转连接
  • X射线活动
  • 与其他活动指标的联系,以及(但并非最不重要的)
  • 难题和复杂性

科学组委会由悉尼巴恩斯(AIP,主席),君士坦丁·德利安尼斯(康斯坦丁·德莱尼尼斯)(美国印第安纳大学),伊丽莎·迪斯泰法诺(Elisa Distefano)(意大利卡塔尼亚(INAF)的意大利),何塞·多纳西门托(DFTE‐UFRN,巴西和CfA‐SAO,美国),托马斯·格兰泽(AIP),席尔瓦·耶尔文(AIP),伊丽莎白·牛顿(美国达特茅斯学院),史蒂文·萨尔(美国CfA)和克劳斯·斯特拉斯迈尔(AIP)。来自不同大洲的总共54位参与者参加了Thinkshop。有关更多信息,请访问Internet:https://thinkshop.aip.de/16/cms/。


