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Urban Agriculture: Declining opportunity and increasing demand. How observations from London, U.K., can inform effective response, strategy and policy on a wide scale
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126823
Ellen Iona Fletcher , C. Matilda Collins

Abstract Allotment gardening systems are widely used to provide urban residents with small-scale community agricultural plots. Originating in local food production needs, allotments provide multiple additional benefits and contribute to urban resilience. Despite overwhelming evidence of the diversity of benefits that they offer, allotments are under threat, though the extent of the decline in provision remains largely unknown. London, U.K. serves as a model in which to quantify contemporary provision of, and demand for, allotments in a growing city. This study provides concrete evidence to inform future policy and planning. The data come from multiple sources: previous publications provide baselines, while local authorities and management groups provided current details of allotment sites and their waiting lists; allotments were additionally mapped using GIS to determine area of provision. Allotment sites are being lost in London at an increasing rate, approximately triple that of a decade ago, and the compensatory measure of decreasing individual plot sizes within a site is widely employed to buffer demand. This decline can be largely attributed to increasing land value and pressures coupled with restrictive local authority finances. This decline in provision has coincided with an increase in popularity. We found that the demand for allotments has increased four-fold since 2006. When considering the 55 % of sites for which we obtained sufficient data, provision would need to increase by 77 % in order to address the current length of waiting lists. This study is the first step in aiding evidence-based decision-making in preservation of this vital resource. Ultimately, the results of this study and the tools it employs can inform the future direction of allotment provision strategies and land use-planning in a wide range of urban contexts.



摘要 分批园艺系统被广泛用于为城市居民提供小规模的社区农业用地。源于当地粮食生产需求,分配提供了多种额外的好处,并有助于城市复原力。尽管有压倒性的证据表明它们提供的福利多种多样,但拨款仍受到威胁,尽管拨款下降的程度在很大程度上仍然未知。英国伦敦作为一个模型,可以量化不断发展的城市中分配的当代供应和需求。这项研究为未来的政策和规划提供了具体的证据。数据来自多个来源:以前的出版物提供了基线,而地方当局和管理团体提供了分配地点及其候补名单的当前详细信息;此外,还使用 ​​GIS 绘制了分配图以确定供应区域。伦敦的分配用地正在以越来越快的速度流失,大约是十年前的三倍,并且广泛采用减少一个地块内单个地块大小的补偿措施来缓冲需求。这种下降主要归因于土地价值的增加和压力以及地方当局财政的限制。供应量的下降与受欢迎程度的增加相吻合。我们发现自 2006 年以来,对分配的需求增加了四倍。考虑到我们获得足够数据的 55% 的站点,为了解决当前等待名单的长度问题,准备金需要增加 77%。这项研究是帮助以证据为基础的决策以保护这一重要资源的第一步。