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Women in forestry in the early twentieth century – new opportunities for young women to work and gain their freedom in a traditional agrarian society
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-26 , DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2020.1808054
Lars Östlund 1 , Alexander Öbom 1 , Amanda Löfdahl 2 , Anna-Maria Rautio 1, 3

ABSTRACT Logging and forestry have traditionally been seen as a purely masculine sphere. The aim of this study is to analyze women’s introduction into and situations in the forestry sector in twentieth century northern Sweden. We interviewed 30 women who worked as cooks between the 1930s and the 1960s, and examined written sources. We found that driving forces behind the emergence of a system involving forestry cooks included state investigations, rationalization of the forest sector, the effects of WW2, and overall modernization of society. Our informants were unmarried and young when they started working, and their introductions to the job were characterized by encouragement and pressure in their surroundings. They had prior knowledge of cooking, but few underwent formal training. They were, in most cases, hired by the forest workers, and portray the camps as egalitarian social systems. It is clear that the Swedish system was rather unusual internationally, and these women had a definite impact on modernizing a workspace far from cities and industries. For the women, the job entailed hardships, but also a sense of freedom. Conceivably, a seed of women’s liberation in twentieth century Sweden was planted by these thousands of young women working in the northern forests.



摘要 伐木和林业历来被视为纯粹的男性领域。本研究的目的是分析 20 世纪瑞典北部妇女进入林业部门的情况。我们采访了 30 名在 1930 年代至 1960 年代期间担任厨师的女性,并检查了书面资料。我们发现,林业厨师系统出现背后的驱动力包括国家调查、林业部门的合理化、二战的影响以及社会的整体现代化。我们的线人刚开始工作时未婚且年轻,他们对工作的介绍在周围环境中充满了鼓励和压力。他们有烹饪的先验知识,但很少有人接受过正规培训。在大多数情况下,他们受雇于森林工人,并将难民营描绘成平等主义的社会制度。很明显,瑞典的制度在国际上相当不寻常,这些女性对远离城市和工业的工作空间的现代化产生了一定的影响。对于女性来说,这份工作是艰辛的,但也是一种自由感。可想而知,20世纪瑞典妇女解放的种子正是由这数千名在北方森林中工作的年轻女性播下的。