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The importance of indigenous peoples’ lands for the conservation of terrestrial mammals
Conservation Biology ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-30 , DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13620
Christopher J O'Bryan 1, 2 , Stephen T Garnett 3 , Julia E Fa 4, 5 , Ian Leiper 3 , Jose A Rehbein 6 , Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares 7 , Micha V Jackson 2 , Harry D Jonas 8 , Eduardo S Brondizio 9 , Neil D Burgess 10, 11 , Catherine J Robinson 12 , Kerstin K Zander 13 , Zsolt Molnár 14 , Oscar Venter 15 , James E M Watson 1, 2, 16

Indigenous Peoples' lands cover over one-quarter of Earth's surface, a significant proportion of which is still free from industrial-level human impacts. As a result, Indigenous Peoples and their lands are crucial for the long-term persistence of Earth's biodiversity and ecosystem services. Yet, information on species composition within Indigenous Peoples' lands globally remains largely unknown. Here, we provide the first comprehensive analysis of terrestrial mammal composition across mapped Indigenous lands by using area of habitat data for 4,460 IUCN-assessed mammal species. We estimated that 2,175 species (49%) have ≥ 10% of their ranges in Indigenous Peoples' lands, and 646 species (14%) have > half of their ranges within these lands. For the threatened species assessed, 413 (41%) occur in Indigenous Peoples' lands. We also found that 935 mammal species (of which 131 are threatened with extinction) have ≥ 10% of their range in Indigenous Peoples' lands that have low human pressure. This analysis shows how important Indigenous Peoples and their lands are to the successful implementation of international conservation and sustainable development agendas. Article impact statement: Indigenous peoples' lands are important for the successful implementation of international conservation and sustainable development agendas. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.



原住民的土地覆盖了地球表面的四分之一以上,其中很大一部分仍然没有受到工业层面的人类影响。因此,土著人民及其土地对于地球生物多样性和生态系统服务的长期存在至关重要。然而,关于全球土著人民土地内物种组成的信息在很大程度上仍然未知。在这里,我们通过使用 4,460 种 IUCN 评估的哺乳动物物种的栖息地面积数据,首次对绘制的土著土地上的陆地哺乳动物组成进行了全面分析。我们估计 2,175 个物种 (49%) 在土著人民的土地上有 ≥ 10% 的分布范围,646 个物种 (14%) 在这些土地内有 > 一半的分布范围。对于评估的受威胁物种,413 (41%) 种出现在土著人民的土地上。我们还发现,935 种哺乳动物(其中 131 种面临灭绝威胁)在人类压力较低的土著人民土地上有 10% 以上的分布范围。该分析显示了土著人民及其土地对于成功实施国际保护和可持续发展议程的重要性。文章影响声明:土著人民的土地对于成功实施国际保护和可持续发展议程非常重要。本文受版权保护。版权所有。该分析显示了土著人民及其土地对于成功实施国际保护和可持续发展议程的重要性。文章影响声明:土著人民的土地对于成功实施国际保护和可持续发展议程非常重要。本文受版权保护。版权所有。该分析显示了土著人民及其土地对于成功实施国际保护和可持续发展议程的重要性。文章影响声明:土著人民的土地对于成功实施国际保护和可持续发展议程非常重要。本文受版权保护。版权所有。