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Cross-section measurement for (n,2n) reaction induced by 14 MeV neutron on platinum isotopes
Radiation Physics and Chemistry ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2020.109167
Deqing Niu , Rui Zhang , Qiang Han , Jin Li , Xin Hou , Yang Liu , Chao Yang

Abstract Neutron induced the (n, 2n) reaction cross sections of platinum isotopes (190Pt, 192Pt, 196Pt and 198Pt) were well measured by the neutron activation and off-line gamma-ray technique around neutron energy of 14 MeV. During the irradiating time, the flux fluctuation of generating neutron was monitored by accompanying α-particle, while the cross section-ratio of 90Zr (n, 2n)89Zr to 93Nb(n, 2n)92mNb reactions were used to determine the neutron energies, which varied with the emission angle. As a result, the cross sections of 190Pt (n, 2n)189Pt, 192Pt (n, 2n)191Pt, 196Pt (n, 2n)195mPt, 198Pt (n, 2n)197mPt and 198Pt (n, 2n)197gPt reactions have been deduced at En = 14.1 ± 0.2 MeV, 14.5 ± 0.2 MeV and 14.7 ± 0.1 MeV, respectively. Meanwhile, the comparisons between this work and the literature date were given, as well as evaluated nuclear data and simulation data (ENDF/B-VIII.0, JEFF 3.3, ROSFOND-2010, JENDL/AD-2017 and Talys 1.9). The results shows an agreement with literature work as a whole, except the 196Pt (n, 2n)195mPt reaction.


铂同位素上 14 MeV 中子引起的 (n,2n) 反应的横截面测量

摘要 在14 MeV中子能量附近,通过中子活化和离线伽马射线技术对铂同位素(190Pt、192Pt、196Pt和198Pt)的(n, 2n)反应截面进行了很好的测量。在辐照期间,通过伴随α粒子监测产生中子的通量波动,同时利用90Zr(n,2n)89Zr与93Nb(n,2n)92mNb反应的截面比来确定中子能量,随发射角的变化而变化。结果,190Pt (n, 2n)189Pt, 192Pt (n, 2n)191Pt, 196Pt (n, 2n)195mPt, 198Pt (n, 2n)197mPt 和 198Pt (n, 2n)198Pt 反应的截面为 (n, 2n)17g2Pt分别为 En = 14.1 ± 0.2 MeV、14.5 ± 0.2 MeV 和 14.7 ± 0.1 MeV。同时,给出了这项工作与文献日期的比较,以及评估的核数据和模拟数据(ENDF/B-VIII.0、JEFF 3.3、ROSFOND-2010、JENDL/AD-2017 和 Talys 1.9)。结果表明,除 196Pt (n, 2n)195mPt 反应外,总体上与文献工作一致。