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DWT-Net: Seizure Detection System with Structured EEG Montage and Multiple Feature Extractor in Convolution Neural Network
Journal of Sensors ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-25 , DOI: 10.1155/2020/3083910
Zhe Zhang 1 , Yun Ren 2 , Nabil Sabor 1, 3 , Jing Pan 2 , Xiaona Luo 2 , Yongfu Li 1 , Yucai Chen 2 , Guoxing Wang 1

Automated seizure detection system based on electroencephalograms (EEG) is an interdisciplinary research problem between computer science and neuroscience. Epileptic seizure affects 1% of the worldwide population and can lead to severe long-term harm to safety and life quality. The automation of seizure detection can greatly improve the treatment of patients. In this work, we propose a neural network model to extract features from EEG signals with a method of arranging the dimension of feature extraction inspired by the traditional method of neurologists. A postprocessor is used to improve the output of the classifier. The result of our seizure detection system on the TUSZ dataset reaches a false alarm rate of 12 per 24 hours with a sensitivity of 59%, which approaches the performance of average human detector based on qEEG tools.


