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Brain ( IF 10.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-25 , DOI: 10.1093/brain/awaa241
Dimitri M Kullmann 1

Every summer brings a moment of trepidation when Clarivate release the latest Journal Impact Factors (JIFs), the most notorious ‘scientometric’ proxy for the importance or influence of scientific publications. Last year Brain saw a substantial increase from 10.848 to 11.814. This year, the JIF (calculated for citations in 2019) has ‘relaxed’ to 11.337, but there is a silver lining: the 5-year JIF for 2019 has reached an all-time high of 11.931. This represents the average number of times that articles published in Brain between 2014 and 2018 were cited in 2019. Needless to say, the 5-year JIF is only metric that counts, for now. Despite the shortcomings of the JIF, 5-year JIF, or numerous other metrics, authors contemplating where to submit their work should be encouraged by the objective evidence that Brain publishes work of lasting importance across the breadth of translational neuroscience.


