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Age, growth and reproduction of the golden grey mullet, Chelon auratus (Risso, 1810) in the Golden Horn Estuary, Istanbul
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-26 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025315420000764
Mert Kesiktaş , Emre Yemişken , Taner Yildiz , Lütfiye Eryilmaz

Age, growth and reproduction biology of the golden grey mullet, Chelon auratus (Risso, 1810) have been studied in the Istanbul Golden Horn area. Fish length ranged from 13.4–46.8 cm, and age from 1–10 years, respectively. The sex ratio (female:male) was 1:1.08. The length-weight relationship was estimated as W = 0.0127L2.89, W = 0.0099L2.97 and W = 0.0156L2.82 for both sexes combined, females and males, respectively. The von Bertalanffy growth equation parameters were: L = 57.52 cm, K = 0.1 year−1, t0 = −2.24 year for pooled data. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) values indicated the major spawning period was between August and November, and the minor spawning peak between March and April. The highest GSI values were observed in September. The length and age of sexual maturity were estimated as 26.2 cm and 4 years for males and 24.1 cm and 3 years for females.


伊斯坦布尔金角河口的金灰色鲻鱼 Chelon auratus (Risso, 1810) 的年龄、生长和繁殖

金灰色鲻鱼的年龄、生长和繁殖生物学,雪龙(Risso, 1810) 已在伊斯坦布尔金角湾地区进行了研究。鱼的长度分别为 13.4-46.8 厘米,年龄分别为 1-10 岁。性别比(女:男)为1:1.08。长度-重量关系估计为W= 0.0127L2.89,W= 0.0099L2.97W= 0.0156L2.82男女合计,分别为女性和男性。von Bertalanffy 增长方程参数为:大号= 57.52 厘米,ķ= 0.1 年-1,0= -2.24 年汇总数据。性腺体指数(GSI)值表明主要产卵期为8月至11月,次要产卵高峰期为3月至4月。9 月份观察到最高 GSI 值。性成熟的长度和年龄估计男性为 26.2 厘米和 4 年,女性为 24.1 厘米和 3 年。