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Metabolism of non-growing bacteria
Biological Chemistry ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-26 , DOI: 10.1515/hsz-2020-0201
Martin Lempp 1, 2 , Paul Lubrano 1, 2 , Gert Bange 2, 3 , Hannes Link 1, 2

Abstract A main function of bacterial metabolism is to supply biomass building blocks and energy for growth. This seems to imply that metabolism is idle in non-growing bacteria. But how relevant is metabolism for the physiology of non-growing bacteria and how active is their metabolism? Here, we reviewed literature describing metabolism of non-growing bacteria in their natural environment, as well as in biotechnological and medical applications. We found that metabolism does play an important role during dormancy and that especially the demand for ATP determines metabolic activity of non-growing bacteria.



摘要 细菌代谢的一个主要功能是为生长提供生物质积木和能量。这似乎意味着新陈代谢在非生长细菌中处于闲置状态。但是新陈代谢与非生长细菌的生理机能有多大关系,它们的新陈代谢有多活跃?在这里,我们回顾了描述非生长细菌在其自然环境中以及生物技术和医学应用中代谢的文献。我们发现新陈代谢在休眠期间确实起着重要作用,尤其是对 ATP 的需求决定了非生长细菌的代谢活动。