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Bioengineering & Translational Medicine: Year 2020 in review
Bioengineering & Translational Medicine ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-26 , DOI: 10.1002/btm2.10178
Samir Mitragotri 1

2020 marks an important year in the evolution of BioTM. We received our first impact factor of 6.091 this year. This is a massive accomplishment for all stakeholders of the journal. The journal was formally launched in 2015 and we published our first issue in 2016. Within a short period of 4 years, we were able to reach this significant milestone.

Huge thanks to all BioTM authors who trusted the journal with their precious manuscripts in the early, unproven days. Submission of high‐quality manuscripts is the principal reason that led to an impressive launching impact factor. BioTM welcomes manuscripts in all aspects of bioengineering including drug delivery, drug discovery and development, tissue engineering, synthetic biology, biosensors, organoids and organ‐mimetic systems, stem cell therapies, gene therapies, immunotherapies, patient‐targeted therapies, medical devices, regenerative medicine, implant/patient interface, computational modeling, and bioinformatics.

Areas including drug delivery, gene therapy, sirRNA delivery, regenerative medicine, nanomedicine, biomedical devices, and cell therapy have been particularly well represented in the manuscripts recently submitted to BioTM. This is expected because these fields represent some of the most active research areas at the interface of medicine and engineering, especially those that focus on developing/testing novel materials or devices, for example, nanoparticles and microneedles for drug delivery. Indeed, some of the recent BioTM papers in drug delivery have focused on the use of microneedles for vaccine delivery.1-3 These papers demonstrated novel microneedle designs, for example, self‐healing microneedles for encapsulation, as well as translational studies to nonhuman primate studies for hepatitis B vaccine. Along the same general theme, studies on ocular drug delivery devices were also featured prominently.4, 5 The studies described novel designs of protein‐delivery systems as well as studies in nonhuman primates demonstrating long‐lasting release of proteins in the eye. Collectively, the reports along the translational axis of drug delivery devices represent a growing need in the field, and we are delighted to see those represent in our issues. On a more fundamental side, microfluidic devices leading to model systems for blood–brain barrier were also described.6 Such devices are playing an increasing role in in vitro optimization and acceleration of drug development timescales.

Tissue engineering was also a commonly discussed subject in recent BioTM papers, also consistent with the large community of researchers working at the interface of engineering and regenerative medicine. Covered tissue engineering topics included engineering of hydrogel and decellularized matrices and generation of tissue‐specific blood vessels.7-9 Polymeric materials of various forms were discussed, including composite materials, hydrogels, and capsules.10-12 These reports represent the great activity of research focused on understanding the design features of polymeric materials, polymer‐tissue interface, as well as in vivo assessment of their biological functions.

Consistent with general literature trends, a significant number of recent papers were focused on nanomedicine. Topics included translatable mouse models for cancer,13 new designs of nanoparticles,14, 15 and scalable synthesis methods for nanoparticles.16, 17 Translationally focused reports, for example, novel tumor models for nanomedicine and scalable synthesis methods, represent a particular need of time and we look forward to receiving more similar translationally focused nanomedicine manuscripts in future. Studies demonstrating novel applications of nanoparticles were also featured prominently in our recent publications, including the use of nanoparticles for improved residence of sunscreens on the skin18 and siRNA delivery for applications in lymphoma and wound healing.19, 20 Papers on medical devices included control algorithms for artificial pancreas.21 Along with original research articles, we also published reviews on some of the active current topics in translational medicine including ionic liquids for biomedical applications,22 clinical landscape of nanomedicine,23 and translational status of nanocrystals.24 Reviews in BioTM are particularly focused on reporting translational advances and hurdles in the field.

We are thankful for the strong support from our editorial board members. In 2020, we added six new editorial board members: Jennifer West (Duke, University), Xiaoyuan Chen (NIH), David Mooney (Harvard University), Molly Stevens (Imperial College, London), Maria Jose Alonso (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain), and Andreas Lendlein (Helmholtz Institute of Biomaterial Science, Germany). We look to our board for guidance and vision. We are especially thankful to the board members for routinely publishing their own research in BioTM. We feature one board member in each issue. You can read these biographies at https://aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/hub/journal/23806761/homepage/editorialboardprofiles.html.

We are pleased with the enthusiastic participation of the young generation of researchers in the launch and growth of BioTM. The support came in various forms including guest editing of special issues, submission of manuscripts, and reviewing manuscripts. Our special thanks to Prof. Aaron Anselmo of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, who started our feature BioTM Buzz, which highlights select papers from each issue. Follow BioTM_Buzz on Twitter for updates on our publications.

BioTM has published several special issues dedicated to several topics, including nanoparticles in medicine, nucleic acid delivery, responsive materials, and bioengineered therapeutics as well as special issues dedicated to conferences in bioengineering and translational medicine and Engineering Conferences International (ECI) nanotechnology in medicine. We also published a special issue honoring two luminaries of the field: Robert Langer and Nicholas Peppas. These special issues were edited by our enthusiastic patrons, including Profs. Kaushal Rege, Kannan Rangaramajunam, Paolo Decuzzi, Zhen Gu, Kathryn Whitehead, Pankaj Karande, Josue Snitzman, and Millicent Sullivan. We are deeply thankful for their dedication. Without the enthusiastic participation of these committed individuals, we would not have gotten off to such a great start. We also thank Arthur Baulch for excellent management of the operation, Cynthia Mascone for leadership in publication policies, and the entire Wiley team for publication strategies.

Having finished the 5‐year journey, I look forward to the next phase of the journal, which will include an increase in the number of publications each year, expansion of covered topics, and increased representation of industry and international authors in the journal. Thank you all for your strong support to the journal and look forward to your continued support in coming years.







与一般文献趋势一致,最近的大量论文集中在纳米医学上。主题包括用于癌症的可翻译小鼠模型,13种新的纳米颗粒设计,14、15和可扩展的纳米颗粒合成方法。16,17,17翻译关注的报告,例如用于纳米医学的新型肿瘤模型和可扩展的合成方法,代表了对时间的特殊需求,我们期待着将来收到更多类似的翻译关注的纳米医学手稿。证明纳米颗粒新颖应用的研究在我们最近的出版物中也很突出,包括使用纳米颗粒改善防晒霜在皮肤上的停留18siRNA递送可用于淋巴瘤和伤口愈合。19,20关于医疗设备的论文包括人造胰腺的控制算法。21除了原始研究文章外,我们还发表了有关转化医学中当前活跃主题的评论,包括生物医学应用的离子液体,22纳米医学的临床前景,23和纳米晶体的转化状态。24 BioTM中的评论特别着重于报告该领域的翻译进展和障碍。

感谢我们的编辑委员会成员的大力支持。2020年,我们增加了六个新的编委会成员:Jennifer West(杜克大学),Xiaoyuan Chen(NIH),David Mooney(哈佛大学),Molly Stevens(伦敦帝国学院),Maria Jose Alonso(圣地亚哥·孔波斯特拉大学) (西班牙)和Andreas Lendlein(德国亥姆霍兹生物材料科学研究所)。我们期待董事会提供指导和远见。我们特别感谢董事会成员定期在BioTM中发表自己的研究成果。每期我们都有一名董事会成员。您可以在https://aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/hub/journal/23806761/homepage/editorialboardprofiles.html上阅读这些传记。

我们很高兴年轻一代的研究人员积极参与BioTM的推出和发展。支持的形式多种多样,包括特刊的客串编辑,手稿的提交和审稿。我们要特别感谢北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的Aaron Anselmo教授,他启动了我们的BioTM Buzz功能,该功能着重介绍了每一期的精选论文。在Twitter上关注BioTM_Buzz,以获取我们出版物的更新。

生物TM已出版了涉及多个主题的多个专题,包括医学中的纳米颗粒,核酸递送,反应材料和生物工程疗法,以及有关生物工程和转化医学会议以及国际工程会议(ECI)纳米技术的医学专题。我们还发行了特别刊物,以纪念该领域的两位杰出人物:Robert Langer和Nicholas Peppas。这些特殊问题由我们的热情赞助者(包括教授)编辑。Kaushal Rege,Kannan Rangaramajunam,Paolo Decuzzi,Zhen Gu,Kathryn Whitehead,Pankaj Karande,Josue Snitzman和Millicent Sullivan。我们对他们的奉献深表感谢。没有这些坚定不移的个人的积极参与,我们就不可能取得如此良好的开端。

