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Dirac dark matter in U(1)B−L with the Stueckelberg mechanism
Nuclear Physics B ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2020.115154
Chengcheng Han , M.L. López-Ibáñez , Bo Peng , Jin Min Yang

We investigate a U(1)BL gauge extension of the Standard Model (SM) where the gauge boson mass is generated by the Stueckelberg mechanism. Three right-handed neutrinos are added to cancel the gauge anomaly and hence the neutrino masses can be explained. A new Dirac fermion could be a WIMP dark matter whose interaction with the SM sector is mediated by the new gauge boson. Assuming the perturbativity of the gauge coupling up to the Planck scale, we find that only the resonance region is feasible for the dark matter abundance. After applying the ΔNeff constraints from the current Planck experiment, the collider search constraints as well as the dark matter direct detection limits, we observe that the BL charge of dark matter satisfies |Qχ|>0.11. Such a scenario might be probed conclusively by the projected CMB-S4 experiment, assuming the right-handed neutrinos are thermalized with the SM sector in the early universe.



我们调查了 ü1个-大号标尺玻色子质量由斯图克伯格机制生成的标准模型(SM)的标尺扩展。添加了三个右手中微子以消除量规异常,因此可以解释中微子质量。一种新的狄拉克费米子可能是一个WIMP暗物质,它与SM部门的相互作用是由新的规范玻色子介导的。假设量规耦合到普朗克尺度的微扰性,我们发现只有共振区域对于暗物质丰度是可行的。应用后ΔñËFF 根据当前普朗克实验的约束,对撞机搜索约束以及暗物质直接检测极限,我们观察到 -大号 暗物质负责人满意 |χ|>0.11。假设右旋中微子在早期宇宙中被SM扇区热化,那么这种情况可能会通过计划的CMB-S4实验来得出结论。
