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Tailoring Tunable Luminescence via Supramolecular Assembly Strategies
Cell Reports Physical Science ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2020.100167
Zizhao Huang , Xiang Ma

Supramolecular chemistry is progressively exploited as an effective design tool to organize different types of molecules into unique architectures with precisely controlled structures and functions. The development of luminescent materials constructed by assembly is one of the directions in which supramolecular chemistry plays an important role. The introduction of supramolecular approaches not only simplifies complicated design and time-consuming synthesis of complex and multifunctional molecules but it also endows the materials with the characteristics of luminescence tunability and stimuli responsiveness. Here, we highlight recent progress and emerging directions in the fabrication of artificial assembling systems with luminescence to enrich the concept of “assembling-induced emission.” We hope that this review functions as an aid to understand the emissive mechanism and construct a strategy for various emissive materials based on assembly systems.



