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Old McDonald had some chips - [News]
IEEE Spectrum ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-24 , DOI: 10.1109/mspec.2020.9173894

IT WAS ONLY A MATTER of time before we turned over to robots the care and feeding of the agricultural products that sustain us. Even with the sophisticated farming machinery introduced over the past century, farming is still decidedly labor-intensive. But sending people out into the fields to toil under the hot sun and take the risks associated with exposure to chemical fertilizers is unsustainable. Now comes the Thorvald autonomous modular robot from Saga Robotics, in Oslo. The self-guided crop-managing machine — which can be configured for use in open fields, tunnels, orchards, and greenhouses — is shown here analyzing a row of strawberry plants to make sure they get the precise amount of water and fertilizer they require at just the right time. Ultimately, the robot's sensors will help it determine just the right moment to pick the fruit. The Thorvald, which is provided to farmers as a service, cuts their costs, making it easier to turn a profit despite slim margins.


老麦当劳有一些薯条 - [新闻]

我们将赖以生存的农产品的照料和喂养交给机器人只是时间问题。即使在过去的一个世纪里引进了先进的农业机械,农业显然仍然是劳动密集型的。但让人们在烈日下下田劳作并冒着接触化肥的风险是不可持续的。现在,奥斯陆 Saga Robotics 推出了 Thorvald 自主模块化机器人。此处显示的自引导作物管理机器可配置用于露天田地、隧道、果园和温室,它分析一排草莓植物,以确保它们在特定时间获得所需的精确水量和肥料量。恰到好处的时间。最终,机器人的传感器将帮助它确定采摘水果的最佳时机。 Thorvald 作为一项服务向农民提供,可以降低他们的成本,尽管利润微薄,但更容易盈利。