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Building and Deploying a COVID-19 Monitoring Solution in March
IEEE Software ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1109/ms.2020.3000376
Gerbrand van de Beek 1 , Ronald Liem 2 , Henk Jan van der Horst 3 , Michiel van Genuchten 4

COVID-19 has been a challenge for health-care professionals and health-care systems. The wave provides at least two problems for healthcare professionals: first, the risk of infection, and second, the lack of time to treat all the COVID-19 patients while some form of normal care is supposed to continue. The time that health-care professionals have to spend per patient can be reduced if they are able to monitor the patients without meeting them. This can be done if patients report their status using patient-reported outcomes (PROs), defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as "any report of the status of a patient's health condition that comes directly from the patient, without interpretation of the patient's response by a clinician or anyone else."1 Reports indicate that 80% of COVID-19 patients are able to recover at home without medical assistance. The "worried well"2 are a group of patients that are concerned about their health but do not have health problems that need to be addressed. PROs may also help doctors reassure those patients without meeting them. The same information can also be used to quickly triage patients and refer them to the appropriate caregiver who may or may not be within the same health-care organization.


3 月构建和部署 COVID-19 监控解决方案

COVID-19 一直是卫生保健专业人员和卫生保健系统面临的挑战。这波浪潮至少给医疗保健专业人员带来了两个问题:首先,感染风险,其次,在某种形式的正常护理应该继续进行的情况下,没有时间治疗所有 COVID-19 患者。如果医疗保健专业人员能够在不与患者会面的情况下对其进行监测,则可以减少每位患者所花费的时间。如果患者使用患者报告结果 (PRO) 报告其状态,则可以这样做,美国食品和药物管理局将其定义为“直接来自患者的任何患者健康状况报告,而无需解释患者的健康状况”。临床医生或其他任何人的反应。” 1 报告表明,80% 的 COVID-19 患者能够在没有医疗援助的情况下在家中康复。“忧心忡忡”2 是指关注自己健康但没有需要解决的健康问题的患者群体。PRO 还可以帮助医生在不与患者见面的情况下让他们放心。相同的信息还可用于快速对患者进行分类,并将他们转介给可能在同一卫生保健组织内或可能不在同一卫生保健组织内的适当护理人员。