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Trait Respect Is Linked to Reduced Gray Matter Volume in the Anterior Temporal Lobe
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-25 , DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00344
Hironori Nakatani , Yulri Nonaka , Sera Muto , Michiko Asano , Tomomi Fujimura , Tomoya Nakai , Kazuo Okanoya

Respect is a positive other-oriented social emotion upon the recognition of excellence in others. We previously reported that respect-related brain activity in the left anterior temporal lobe (ATL). Since brain activity and structure are often involved in common cognitive functions, we investigated the morphological properties of the left ATL using voxel-based morphometry analysis. We found an association of trait respect with reduced gray matter volume (GMV) in part of the left ATL. Moreover, since the ATL is involved in general conceptual knowledge, we investigated the relationships between other social emotions with similar properties as respect and the GMV of the left ATL. We observed an association of reduced GMV with empathic concern, which is an other-oriented and affective aspect of trait empathy. Our findings indicated an association of the left ATL with other-oriented and affective aspect of social emotions.



尊重是一种积极的、以他人为导向的社会情感,这种情绪是基于对他人卓越的认可。我们之前曾报道过左前颞叶 (ATL) 中与尊重相关的大脑活动。由于大脑活动和结构通常涉及常见的认知功能,我们使用基于体素的形态测量分析研究了左侧 ATL 的形态学特性。我们发现左侧 ATL 的部分特征尊重与灰质体积 (GMV) 减少有关。此外,由于 ATL 涉及一般概念知识,我们调查了其他具有类似尊重属性的社会情绪与左侧 ATL 的 GMV 之间的关系。我们观察到 GMV 降低与移情关注的关联,这是特质移情的另一个面向他人和情感方面。