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Molecular Ecology Resources ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-24 , DOI: 10.1111/1755-0998.13177

The article entitled “A genomic approach to inferring kinship reveals limited intergenerational dispersal in the yellow fever mosquito” which published in Molecular Ecology Resources (volume 19, Issue 5, pages 1254–1264).

The authors of the above article, first published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) in Molecular Ecology Resources, would like to note that in the original paper the authors mistakenly equated the distribution of distances between related individuals for each kinship category with the distribution of those related individuals themselves. Under an additive variance framework modelling dispersal, the former category, corresponding to sample data, represents the outcome of two separate dispersal processes: parent to first offspring, and parent to second offspring. The resulting distribution has twice the variance of the (intended) parent‐offspring dispersal alone—the distribution required by Wright's equations. Responding to this, the authors have altered equations and results pertaining to kinship dispersal within the paper to include the factor 1/√2, which converts the measured offspring‐offspring distribution to the needed parent‐offspring distribution.

Key changes to the original paper include:
  • Altering section 2.4 (inference of dispersal distributions) paragraph 1 to replace the phrase “represent” with “result from”, and paragraph 2 to add a step (d) stating, “multiplied by the factor 1/√2 to convert from a separation distribution to a dispersal distribution”. These changes avoid a premature equating of sample separation and dispersal.
  • Alter the supplementary text document to include the attached “explanation of errata” file, and to similarly update the kinship dispersal calculation details.
  • Correct all estimates of dispersal throughout the paper with the 1/√2 factor.
  • Alter the radii (dashed lines) in Figure 2 to adjust with the same correction factor.

This correction has been agreed by the authors, the journal's Editor‐in‐Chief, Shawn Narum, and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. The authors apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused the journal's readers.



发表在《分子生态资源》(第19卷,第5期,第1254-1264页)上的文章标题为“推断亲缘关系的基因组方法揭示了黄热蚊子中有限的世代传播” 。


  • 更改第2.4节(分散分布的推论)的第1款,将“ represent from”替换为“ represent from”,并在第2款中添加步骤(d),说明“乘以因子1 /√2以从分离中转换”分布到分散分布”。这些变化避免了样品分离和分散的过早等同。
  • 更改补充文本文件以包括所附的“勘误说明”文件,并类似地更新亲属传播计算详细信息。
  • 使用1 /√2因子校正所有分散估计。
  • 更改图2中的半径(虚线)以使用相同的校正因子进行调整。

作者,该杂志的总编辑,肖恩·纳鲁姆(Shawn Narum)和约翰·威利父子有限公司(John Wiley&Sons Ltd)对此表示同意。对于由此给该杂志的读者带来的任何不便,作者深表歉意。
