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Defining the new concept of sustainable success – A state-of-the-art analysis on the phenomenon
New Ideas in Psychology ( IF 2.927 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.newideapsych.2020.100819
Satu Uusiautti , Sanna Hyvärinen

Abstract Research on success and sustainability has been somewhat limited and narrow. Yet, in the current world, a positively oriented understanding about the concept of sustainable success is needed. The purpose of this research was to analyze what kind of research about sustainable success has been conducted and what the elements of sustainable success according to research found around this topic are. These questions were answered through a literature review or a state-of-the-art review that focused on nine articles that were chosen for a more detailed analysis. The findings illustrate how success and sustainability appeared as research targets and what the main elements of success and sustainability were in the data. None of the articles under review used positive psychological knowledge or strength-based approaches in their definition of success and sustainability. The need for a conceptual definition for sustainable success appeared evident. From the perspective adopted in this research, sustainable success consists of positive development, flourishing, and well-being, and also top performances. It is based on positive educational psychological knowledge. Educational psychological research alongside multidisciplinary perspectives can provide new and innovative ways of understanding and guiding people's behaviors toward sustainability.



摘要 关于成功和可持续性的研究在某种程度上是有限和狭窄的。然而,在当今世界,需要对可持续成功的概念有积极的理解。本研究的目的是分析进行了哪些关于可持续成功的研究,以及根据围绕该主题发现的研究,可持续成功的要素是什么。这些问题是通过文献综述或最先进的综述来回答的,这些综述集中在九篇文章上,这些文章被选中进行更详细的分析。研究结果说明了成功和可持续性如何作为研究目标出现,以及数据中成功和可持续性的主要元素是什么。接受审查的文章都没有使用积极的心理知识或基于力量的方法来定义成功和可持续性。对可持续成功的概念定义的必要性似乎很明显。从本研究采用的角度来看,可持续的成功包括积极的发展、繁荣和幸福,以及一流的表现。它以积极的教育心理学知识为基础。教育心理学研究以及多学科视角可以提供新的和创新的方式来理解和指导人们朝着可持续性的行为。和福祉,以及顶级表演。它以积极的教育心理学知识为基础。教育心理学研究以及多学科视角可以提供新的和创新的方式来理解和指导人们朝着可持续性的行为。和福祉,以及顶级表演。它以积极的教育心理学知识为基础。教育心理学研究以及多学科视角可以提供新的和创新的方式来理解和指导人们朝着可持续性的行为。