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Identification of the population source of free-ranging cats threatening endemic species on Tokunoshima Island, Japan
Mammal Research ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s13364-020-00528-5
Kazuaki Kazato , Yuya Watari , Tadashi Miyashita

Free-ranging cats Felis silvestris catus are harmful to endemic species, especially on islands. Effective management practices require an understanding of their habitat use and population source at the landscape level. We aimed to identify the source of the free-ranging cat population on Tokunoshima Island, Japan, which harbors a variety of endemic organisms as well as human settlements. Trapping data for the whole island were provided by local governments, and landscape factors (residential, agricultural, and woodlot areas and cattle barn density) affecting cat density were explored. An analysis of live-capture data indicated that the density (per 1 km2) of free-ranging cats was positively correlated with the densities of cattle barns and woodlot areas and negatively correlated with residential areas. An interview survey revealed that nearly half of the cattle barns feed free-ranging cats. The source habitat of free-ranging cats appears to be areas with a high density of cattle barns and a high percentage of woodlots in human-dominated landscapes. Feeding cats in cattle barns may strengthen the bottom-up process of population growth on the island. To reduce the impact of cats on endemic species on Tokunoshima Island, efforts to stop feeding cats in cattle barns are important. Reaching a consensus with stakeholders will require further studies of the ecological risks posed by free-ranging cats.



自由放养的猫Felis silvestris catus对特有物种有害,特别是在岛屿上。有效的管理措施需要在景观层面上了解其栖息地的用途和人口来源。我们的目标是确定日本德岛上自由放养的猫的来源,该岛拥有各种地方性生物以及人类住区。整个岛屿的捕捞数据由地方政府提供,并探讨了影响猫咪密度的景观因素(居住,农业和林地面积以及牛棚密度)。实时捕获数据分析表明,密度(每1 km 2)自由放养的猫与牛棚和林地的密度呈正相关,与居住区呈负相关。一项采访调查显示,近一半的牛棚饲养散养猫。自由放养猫的来源栖息地似乎是在以人为主的景观中牛棚密度高且林地百分比高的地区。用牛棚喂养猫可能会增强岛上人口增长的自下而上的过程。为了减少猫对德之岛上特有物种的影响,努力停止在牛棚中养猫是很重要的。与利益相关者达成共识将需要进一步研究散养猫所造成的生态风险。