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Microdissection of the Human Renal Nervous System
Hypertension ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1161/hypertensionaha.120.15106
Arturo García-Touchard 1, 2, 3 , Eva Maranillo 1, 2, 3 , Blanca Mompeo 1, 2, 3 , José Ramón Sañudo 1, 2, 3

Despite the use of renal denervation to treat hypertension, the anatomy of the renal nervous system remains poorly understood. We performed a detailed quantitative analysis of the human renal nervous system anatomy with the goal of optimizing renal denervation procedural safety and efficacy. Sixty kidneys from 30 human cadavers were systematically microdissected to quantify anatomic variations in renal nerve patterns. Contrary to current clinical perception, not all renal innervation followed the main renal artery. A significant portion of the renal nerves (late arriving nerves) frequently reached the kidney (73% of the right kidney and 53% of the left kidney) bypassing the main renal artery. The ratio of the main renal artery length/aorta-renal hilar distance proved to be a useful variable to identify the presence/absence of these late arriving nerves (odds ratio, 0.001 (95% CI, 0.00002–0.0692; P: 0.001) with a cutoff of 0.75 (sensitivity: 0.68, specificity: 0.83, area under ROC curve at threshold: 0.76). When present, polar arteries were also highly associated with the presence of late arriving nerve. Finally, the perivascular space around the proximal main renal artery was frequently occupied by fused ganglia from the solar plexus (right kidney: 53%, left kidney: 83%) and/or by the lumbar sympathetic chain (right kidney: 63%, left kidney: 60%). Both carried innervation to the kidneys but importantly also to other abdominal and pelvic organs, which can be accidentally denervated if the proximal renal artery is targeted for ablation. These novel anatomic insights may help guide future procedural treatment recommendations to increase the likelihood of safely reaching and destroying targeted nerves during renal denervation procedures.



尽管使用肾去神经支配治疗高血压,但对肾神经系统的解剖结构仍知之甚少。我们对人类肾脏神经系统解剖结构进行了详细的定量分析,目的是优化肾脏去神经支配术的安全性和有效性。来自 30 具人类尸体的 60 个肾脏被系统地显微解剖以量化肾神经模式的解剖变异。与目前的临床认知相反,并非所有的肾神经支配都遵循主肾动脉。大部分肾神经(迟到神经)经常绕过肾主动脉到达肾脏(右肾的 73% 和左肾的 53%)。