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Anthropogenic injuries disrupt social associations of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, Florida
Marine Mammal Science ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-24 , DOI: 10.1111/mms.12729
Michelle R. Greenfield 1 , Katherine A. McHugh 2 , Randall S. Wells 2 , Daniel I. Rubenstein 3

Social connectivity is important for measuring the fitness of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). While interactions in fission‐fusion societies vary between individuals, studies show that repeated interactions enhance reproduction and foraging success. Injuries that potentially remove an individual from its association network may disrupt these interactions. Using data from the long‐term resident dolphin community in Sarasota Bay, Florida, we investigated how anthropogenic injuries affect the dolphins' social associations by examining the differences before and after injury to individuals. We examined group size, strength, eigenvector centrality, clustering coefficient, and number of triangles and analyzed whether the animal's sex, age class, type of injury, or human intervention affected these values. We found that while group size did not change, injured dolphins had fewer preferred associates (HWI > 0.14) and were found in more fluid groups immediately after injury, but started returning to normal association levels after 2 years. This initial decrease in connectivity was not related to the age, sex, type of injury, or intervention. Despite the fluidity in individual associations, the strongest bonds remained stable, those between mothers and calves and those between male alliance partners. These findings provide some of the first information relating injuries and social networks for animals.


人为伤害破坏了佛罗里达萨拉索塔湾的普通宽吻海豚(Tursiops truncatus)的社会交往

社交联系对于衡量普通宽吻海豚(Tursiops truncatus)。尽管裂变融合社会之间的相互作用因人而异,但研究表明,反复的相互作用可以促进繁殖和觅食的成功。可能将某人从其关联网络中删除的伤害可能会破坏这些交互。使用佛罗里达州萨拉索塔湾长期居住的海豚群落的数据,我们通过检查个人受伤前后的差异,调查了人为伤害如何影响海豚的社会交往。我们检查了组的大小,强度,特征向量中心性,聚类系数和三角形数量,并分析了动物的性别,年龄类别,伤害类型或人为干预是否影响了这些值。我们发现,虽然小组规模没有变化,但受伤的海豚的首选伴却较少(HWI> 0。14),并在受伤后立即在更多的液体组中发现,但在2年后开始恢复到正常的联想水平。最初的连通性下降与年龄,性别,伤害类型或干预措施无关。尽管各个协会的流动性很强,但最牢固的纽带仍保持稳定,包括母子犊牛之间的关系以及雄性同盟伙伴之间的关系。这些发现提供了一些有关动物伤害和社交网络的初步信息。母亲和犊牛之间以及男性同伴之间的关系。这些发现提供了一些有关动物伤害和社交网络的初步信息。母亲和犊牛之间以及男性同伴之间的关系。这些发现提供了一些有关动物伤害和社交网络的初步信息。