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Biodiversity of Isopoda and Cumacea (Peracarida, Crustacea) from the Marine Protected Area Namuncurá-Burdwood Bank, South-West Atlantic
Polar Biology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s00300-020-02725-z
Brenda L. Doti , Ignacio L. Chiesa , Daniel Roccatagliata

Burdwood Bank is a shallow seamount located south of the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands and east of Tierra del Fuego. In 2013, the area down to 200 m depth of this bank was declared the first open-sea (non-coastal) Marine Protected Area (MPA) in Argentina, and named “Namuncurá” (MPAN-BB). The present study aimed to evaluate the biodiversity of the isopods and cumaceans from the MPAN-BB. The studied material was collected on board the Argentine RV Puerto Deseado during the Campaña Antártica de Verano 2013. Three stations from the MPAN-BB, respectively, located in the core, buffer, and transition sectors, were sampled. A total of 17,076 specimens were sorted and 70 taxa distributed in 22 families were identified. Thirty-five new records of distribution and eight species most probably new to science are herein reported. Paramunnidae and Diastylidae were the most abundant and diverse families among isopods and cumaceans, respectively. Our records, together with those obtained from the literature, make a total of 55 nominal species so far known from Burdwood Bank. Except for one nominal species, which had been reported from the Puerto Rico Trench and the Argentine Basin, all the remaining species had also been recorded from other localities within the Magellan Region. In contrast, only nine out of the 55 nominal species had also been reported from the Antarctic Peninsula and/or Scotia Arc. This indicates that the isopods and cumaceans from Burdwood Bank are typically Magellanic, and there is little correspondence between this fauna and that from the Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Arc.


来自西南大西洋海洋保护区 Namuncurá-Burdwood Bank 的等足类动物和 Cumacea(Peracarida,甲壳类动物)的生物多样性

Burdwood Bank 是一个浅海山,位于马尔维纳斯(福克兰)群岛以南和火地岛以东。2013 年,该河岸 200 m 深的区域被宣布为阿根廷第一个公海(非沿海)海洋保护区(MPA),并命名为“Namuncurá”(MPAN-BB)。本研究旨在评估来自 MPAN-BB 的等足类动物和 cumaceans 的生物多样性。所研究的材料是在 2013 年 Campaña Antártica de Verano 期间在阿根廷 RV Puerto Deseado 船上收集的。 MPAN-BB 的三个站点分别位于核心、缓冲区和过渡扇区,进行了采样。共筛选出 17,076 个标本,确定了分布在 22 个科的 70 个分类群。此处报告了 35 个新的分布记录和 8 个最有可能是科学新物种。Paramunnidae 和 Diastylidae 分别是等足类动物和 cumaceans 中最丰富和最多样化的科。我们的记录以及从文献中获得的记录,使迄今为止从伯德伍德银行已知的共有 55 个名义物种。除了波多黎各海沟和阿根廷盆地报道的一种名义物种外,其余所有物种也都来自麦哲伦地区其他地方的记录。相比之下,南极半岛和/或斯科舍弧也只报告了 55 个名义物种中的 9 个。这表明来自 Burdwood Bank 的等足类动物和 cumaceans 是典型的麦哲伦类动物,该动物群与南极半岛和 Scotia Arc 的动物群几乎没有对应关系。我们的记录以及从文献中获得的记录,使迄今为止从伯德伍德银行已知的共有 55 个名义物种。除了波多黎各海沟和阿根廷盆地报道的一种名义物种外,其余所有物种也都来自麦哲伦地区的其他地方。相比之下,南极半岛和/或斯科舍弧也只报告了 55 个名义物种中的 9 个。这表明来自 Burdwood Bank 的等足类动物和 cumaceans 是典型的麦哲伦类动物,该动物群与南极半岛和 Scotia Arc 的动物群几乎没有对应关系。我们的记录以及从文献中获得的记录,使迄今为止从伯德伍德银行已知的共有 55 个名义物种。除了波多黎各海沟和阿根廷盆地报道的一种名义物种外,其余所有物种也都来自麦哲伦地区其他地方的记录。相比之下,南极半岛和/或斯科舍弧也只报告了 55 个名义物种中的 9 个。这表明来自 Burdwood Bank 的等足类动物和 cumaceans 是典型的麦哲伦类动物,该动物群与南极半岛和 Scotia Arc 的动物群几乎没有对应关系。已从波多黎各海沟和阿根廷盆地报告,所有剩余的物种也被记录在麦哲伦地区的其他地方。相比之下,南极半岛和/或斯科舍弧也只报告了 55 个名义物种中的 9 个。这表明来自 Burdwood Bank 的等足类动物和 cumaceans 是典型的麦哲伦类动物,该动物群与南极半岛和 Scotia Arc 的动物群几乎没有对应关系。已从波多黎各海沟和阿根廷盆地报告,所有剩余的物种也被记录在麦哲伦地区的其他地方。相比之下,南极半岛和/或斯科舍弧也报告了 55 种名义物种中只有 9 种。这表明来自 Burdwood Bank 的等足类动物和 cumaceans 是典型的麦哲伦类动物,该动物群与南极半岛和 Scotia Arc 的动物群几乎没有对应关系。