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Three new Critically Endangered Inversodicraea (Podostemaceae) species from Tropical Africa: I. senei, I. tanzaniensis and I. botswana
Kew Bulletin ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s12225-020-09889-1
Martin Cheek , Olivier Séné , Eric Ngansop

Three new species of Inversodicraea (Podostemaceae), I. senei from the Memv’ele falls of the Ntem River, Cameroon, I. tanzaniensis from the Ruhudji River near Lupembe, Southern Highlands, Tanzania, and I. botswana from the Kasane rapids on the Chobe River, Botswana, are described and illustrated. All three species are known from single sites. All three are assessed as Critically Endangered using the IUCN standard. With 35 species, Inversodicraea is the most species-diverse genus of Podostemaceae in continental Africa, to which it is endemic. Four species of Inversodicraea are now known to be sympatric and point endemics at Memv’ele Falls in Cameroon where a hydro-electric dam is being constructed, threatening them with global extinction. Equally, I. tanzaniensis is threatened by proposed hydro-electric projects in Tanzania. In contrast, I. botswana is threatened by sewage discharge and also by bridge construction.


来自热带非洲的三种新的极度濒危灭顶龙科(Podostemaceae):仙妮I. tanzaniensis和博茨瓦纳I.

三新种Inversodicraea(川苔草科),一senei从Memv'ele落在恩特姆河,喀麦隆,一个tanzaniensis从Ruhudji河Lupembe,南部高地,坦桑尼亚附近,一,博茨瓦纳从上的急流卡萨内描述和说明了博茨瓦纳的乔贝河。这三个物种都是从单个地点得知的。使用IUCN标准将这三个评估为“极度濒危”。虎耳草科有35种,是非洲大陆上鬼臼科物种多样性最多的属,是该病的特有种。四种vers纲现在人们知道它是喀麦隆Memv'ele Falls的同胞和地方性地方病,那里正在修建水力发电大坝,正威胁着它们的全球灭绝。同样,坦桑尼亚的I. tanzaniensis受到拟议中的水力发电项目的威胁。相反,博茨瓦纳博茨瓦纳受到污水排放和桥梁建设的威胁。