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Evaluation of a multicarbohydrase and phytase complex in reduced energy, amino acids, available phosphorus and calcium diets fed to broilers
Livestock Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2020.104227
Maamer Jlali , Pierre Cozannet , Christophe Alleno , Aurélie Preynat

The aim of this study was to determine the nutritional potential of a multicarbohydrase and phytase complex (MCPC) through its effect on growth performance, carcass traits and bone characteristics in chickens fed wheat-corn soybean meal-based diets reduced in metabolizable energy (ME), digestible amino acids (dig. AA), available phosphorus (avP) and total calcium (Ca). A total of 3150-day-old Ross 308 chicks were fed a common starter diet formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of birds from 1 to 10 days of age and were then randomly assigned to 7 dietary treatments with 15 pens of 30 birds per pen replicate. Treatments consisted of a nutrient adequate-positive control (PC) diet and 3 negative control (NC1, NC2, NC3) diets similarly reduced in avP and Ca by 0.18 and 0.16% unit, respectively, but differently reduced in dig. AA (3.0, 4.5, and 6.0%), and in ME (93 kcal, 124 kcal, and 155 kcal per kg diet) with and without MCPC (1,250 xylanase U, 860 β-glucanase U and 1,000 FTU/kg phytase diet). Body weight (BW) and feed intake (FI) were measured at 10, 28, and 42 days of age, and body weight gain (BW gain) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were calculated for each period. At 42 days of age, 4 birds per pen replicate were randomly chosen for carcass traits determination. In addition, 1 bird per pen replicate was randomly chosen for tibia breaking strength and mineralization. Compared with PC diet, the energy and nutrient reductions negatively affected the overall BW gain and FCR (P < 0.0001) without a significant reduction of FI (P = 0.18). The largest nutrient decrease, NC3-fed birds exhibited higher FCR (+2.5%, P < 0.05) than birds fed NC1, whilst there was no significant difference between birds fed the different NC diets on BW gain and FI. The addition of MCPC to NC diets restored the overall (10–42 d) BWG (P = 0.44) and FCR (P = 0.84) to the same levels as the PC diet suggesting a nutritional potential of the enzyme solution as far as the NC3 nutrient decrease. The reduction of ME and nutrients also reduced (P < 0.01) the carcass traits, breast, and leg weights. Tibia breaking strength and ash, Ca and P contents were negatively affected (P < 0.01) in energy and nutrient-deficient diets. These carcass and tibia traits were also restored by MCPC supplementation to NC diets and became similar as those with the PC diet (P > 0.08). This study showed that MCPC supplementation could compensate up to 6% dig. AA and 155 kcal ME/kg reduction as well as 0.18% and 0.16% units of avP and total Ca allowing to save feed cost while guaranteeing the same performances.



这项研究的目的是确定多糖化酶与植酸酶复合物(MCPC)的营养潜能,其对以小麦玉米豆粕为基础的日粮中代谢能降低的生长性能,car体性状和骨骼特性的影响,可消化氨基酸(数字AA),有效磷(avP)和总钙(Ca)。共有3150天大的Ross 308雏鸡被饲喂满足1至10天大的雏鸡的营养要求而配制的普通起始日粮,然后被随机分配到7种饮食处理中,每只重复30只鸡,每组15只。处理包括营养充足的阳性对照(PC)饮食和3种阴性对照(NC1,NC2,NC3)饮食,其avP和Ca分别减少了0.18和0.16%单位,但挖出量有所不同。AA(3.0,4.5,和6.0%),以及在有和没有MCPC(1,250木聚糖酶U,860β-葡聚糖酶U和1,000 FTU / kg植酸酶饮食)的ME(每公斤日粮93 kcal,124 kcal和155 kcal)下进行。在10、28和42天的年龄测量体重(BW)和饲料摄入量(FI),并计算每个时期的体重增加(BW增长)和饲料转化率(FCR)。在42日龄时,每笔复制品随机选出4只鸡以测定car体性状。另外,随机选择每只笔1只鸟以用于胫骨断裂强度和矿化。与PC饮食相比,能量和营养素的减少对总体BW增高和FCR产生负面影响(在10、28和42天的年龄测量体重(BW)和饲料摄入量(FI),并计算每个时期的体重增加(BW增长)和饲料转化率(FCR)。在42日龄时,每笔复制品随机选出4只鸡以测定car体性状。另外,随机选择每只钢笔1只鸟以用于胫骨断裂强度和矿化。与PC饮食相比,能量和营养素的减少对总体BW增高和FCR产生负面影响(在10、28和42天的年龄测量体重(BW)和饲料摄入量(FI),并计算每个时期的体重增加(BW增长)和饲料转化率(FCR)。在42日龄时,每笔复制品随机选出4只鸡以测定car体性状。另外,随机选择每只钢笔1只鸟以用于胫骨断裂强度和矿化。与PC饮食相比,能量和营养素的减少对总体BW增高和FCR产生负面影响(P <0.0001)而FI却没有显着降低(P  = 0.18)。养分减少最大的是,饲喂NC3的家禽比饲喂NC1的家禽具有更高的FCR(+ 2.5%,P <0.05),而饲喂不同饲喂日粮的家禽在体重增加和FI上没有显着差异。在NC日粮中添加MCPC可将总体(10-42 d)BWG(P  = 0.44)和FCR(P  = 0.84)恢复至与PC日粮相同的水平,表明酶溶液的营养潜力直至NC3。营养减少。ME和营养物质的减少还减少了(P <0.01)cas体性状,胸部和腿部重量。胫骨断裂强度和灰分,Ca和P含量受到负面影响(P<0.01)补充能量和营养不足的饮食。这些car体和胫骨的性状也可以通过在NC日粮中添加MCPC而得到恢复,并且与PC日粮中的相似(P > 0.08)。这项研究表明,MCPC补充剂最多可补偿6%的挖沟。AA和155 kcal ME / kg的降低,以及avP和总Ca的0.18%和0.16%单位,可以在保证相同性能的同时节省饲料成本。
