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Evaluation of iron sources in the Ross Sea
Journal of Marine Systems ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2020.103429
Elodie Salmon , Eileen E. Hofmann , Michael S. Dinniman , Walker O. Smith

Abstract A one-dimensional numerical model that includes the complex life cycle of Phaeocystis antarctica, diatom growth, dissolved iron (dFe) and irradiance controls, and the taxa's response to changes in these variables is used to evaluate the role of different iron sources in supporting phytoplankton blooms in the Ross Sea. Simulations indicate that sea ice melt accounts for 20% of total dFe inputs during low light conditions early in the growing season (late November-early December), which enhances blooms of P. antarctica in early spring. Advective inputs of dFe (60% of total inputs) maintain the P. antarctica bloom through early January and support a diatom bloom later in the growing season (early to mid-January). In localized regions near banks shallower than 450 m, suspension of iron-rich sediments and entrainment into the upper layers contributes dFe that supports blooms. Seasonal dFe budgets constructed from the simulations show that diatom-associated dFe accounts for the largest biological reservoir of dFe. Sensitivity studies show that surface input of dFe from sea ice melt, a transient event early in the growing season, sets up the phytoplankton sequencing and bloom magnitude, suggesting that the productivity of the Ross Sea system is vulnerable to changes in the extent and magnitude of sea ice.



摘要 一个包含南极褐藻复杂生命周期、硅藻生长、溶解铁 (dFe) 和辐照控制以及分类群对这些变量变化的响应的一维数值模型用于评估不同铁源在支持浮游植物在罗斯海盛开。模拟表明,在生长季节早期(11 月底至 12 月初)的低光照条件下,海冰融化占 dFe 总输入量的 20%,这促进了 P. antarctica 在早春的开花。dFe 的平流输入(占总输入的 60%)使 P. antarctica 开花维持到 1 月初,并支持生长季节后期(1 月初至 1 月中旬)的硅藻开花。在浅于 450 m 的河岸附近的局部地区,富含铁的沉积物的悬浮和夹带进入上层有助于支持水华的 dFe。根据模拟构建的季节性 dFe 预算表明,与硅藻相关的 dFe 是最大的 dFe 生物库。敏感性研究表明,来自海冰融化的 dFe 的表面输入,这是生长季节早期的一个瞬态事件,建立了浮游植物排序和开花量级,这表明罗斯海系统的生产力很容易受到 dFe 的范围和幅度变化的影响。海冰。