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Evaluation of heatstroke risk at Sapporo in the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic marathon event compared with Tokyo
Journal of Agricultural Meteorology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.2480/agrmet.d-20-00001
Naru TAKAYAMA 1 , Hiroyuki HORI 2 , Hidekazu WATANABE 3

We compared the difference of heatstroke risk of marathon runners in the Summer Olympics on the basis of the percentage of weight decrease due to sweating using potential effective sweating, between Tokyo and Sapporo For the women's marathon, the difference in the rate of decrease in body weight was 0 42 when the start time was 11 : 00, with 7 51 loss for Tokyo and 7 09 for Sapporo Nevertheless, when the start time was 7 : 00, as planned, the difference decreased to 0 28, with a 6 94 loss for Tokyo and 6 66 for Sapporo The estimated thermal load on runners when starting the race at 7 : 00 on August 8 in Sapporo was equivalent to starting at 5 : 30 or at 16 : 00 on August 2 in Tokyo For the men's marathon, the start time with the maximum rate of decrease in weight was 10 : 00, with a 6 91 loss for Sapporo and 7 42 for Tokyo If the race started at 7 : 00, the rate of decrease in body weight was 6 50 for Sapporo and 7 00 for Tokyo, a 0 50 difference However, as a result of the analysis based on the relation between wet bulb globe temperature and M-lE s (equivalent to the thermal load to the human body by net radiation and sensible heat exchange), severe weather conditions might place a large thermal load on runners, even if the race venue is changed to Sapporo


东京 2020 年夏季奥运会马拉松赛事札幌与东京的中暑风险评估

我们比较了东京和札幌在夏季奥运会马拉松运动员因出汗而体重减轻的百分比的基础上的中暑风险差异,东京和札幌对于女子马拉松,体重下降率的差异开始时间为 11 : 00 时为 0 42,东京为 7 51,札幌为 7 09 然而,当开始时间为 7 : 00 时,按计划,差异减少到 0 28,损失为 6 94东京和札幌 6 66 在札幌 8 月 8 日 7 : 00 开始比赛时,跑步者的估计热负荷相当于东京 5 : 30 或 8 月 2 日 16 : 00 开始的男子马拉松比赛最大重量减少率的时间为 10 : 00,札幌输了 6 91,东京输了 7 42 如果比赛在 7 : 00 开始,那么札幌的体重下降率为 6 50,东京为 7 00,相差 0 50 然而,由于根据湿球球温度与 M-lE s(相当于净辐射和显热交换对人体的热负荷)之间的关系进行分析,恶劣的天气条件可能会给跑步者带来很大的热负荷,即使比赛地点变更为札幌恶劣的天气条件可能会给跑步者带来很大的热负荷,即使比赛场地更改为札幌恶劣的天气条件可能会给跑步者带来很大的热负荷,即使比赛场地更改为札幌