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Can monophagous specialists mediate host plant choices in generalist planthoppers (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)?
Ecological Entomology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-22 , DOI: 10.1111/een.12929
Alex D.K. Dittrich 1 , Alvin J. Helden 2

A preference experiment was set up with two planthopper species (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) to test the influence of competition on host plant choice. The delphacid Javesella pellucida was chosen as a generalist and the rarer Ribautodelphax imitans as a monophagous specialist, which feeds on the grass, tall fescue Schedonorus arundinaceus. In the absence of the specialist, the generalist showed a marked preference for tall fescue. In some experiments, however, the introduction of the specialist resulted in a shift of preference to an alternative plant if the specialist was established prior to the introduction of the generalist. This experiment supports the hypothesis that specialist herbivores can potentially alter the host plant choices of generalists, which may lead to differing host plant use patterns in insect communities.



对两种飞虱物种(半翅目:飞虱科)进行了偏好实验,以测试竞争对寄主植物选择的影响。Delphacid Javesella pellucida 被选为多面手,而稀有的 Ribautodelphax imitans 被选为单食性专家,以草、高羊茅 Schedonorus arundinaceus 为食。在专家不在的情况下,通才表现出对高羊茅的明显偏好。然而,在一些实验中,如果专家是在引入通才之前建立的,那么引入专家会导致偏好转移到替代工厂。该实验支持以下假设,即专业食草动物可能会改变通才的寄主植物选择,这可能导致昆虫群落中寄主植物的使用模式不同。