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Shifts in plant phenology induced by environmental changes are small relative to annual phenological variation
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2020.108144
Xue Yang , Rui Guo , Johannes M.H. Knops , Linlin Mei , Furong Kang , Tao Zhang , Jixun Guo

Abstract Climate change and resource availability increasingly influence plant phenology. Previous research has shown that global warming and nitrogen (N) enrichment reduce the effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). However, the mechanism by which global change drivers and AMF interactively affect plant phenology is still poorly understood. We examined the impact of warming, N addition and AMF reduction on plant phenology in an in-situ experiment for two grasses over 3 years. Year-to-year variations in the phenology of the two species were more apparent than those caused by the experimental treatments. For Puccinellia tenuiflora (P. tenuiflora), only 1 out of our 9 phenological measurements was significant: AMF reduction shortened the reproductive duration. For Leymus chinensis (L. chinensis), 5 out of the 9 phenological measurements were significant: warming advanced both flowering and fruiting times, N addition shortened the reproductive duration, and AMF reduction delayed both the flowering and fruiting times. Significant interactive effects of warming and N addition, warming and AMF reduction on the reproductive and fruiting time of L. chinensis were observed: warming plus N addition advanced fruiting times and shortened reproductive duration, and warming plus AMF reduction delayed fruiting time and shortened reproductive duration of L. chinensis. Furthermore, for both species, no interactive effect between the experimental treatments and annual climate variation was detected. These results indicate that the effects of warming, N addition and AMF reduction on plant phenology are largely independent and consistent over time. However, the annual variation in the phenology of both species is much larger than any experimental induced changes, suggesting no mismatch for species in terms of their phenology tracking annual climate fluctuations under future global change.



摘要 气候变化和资源可用性越来越影响植物物候。先前的研究表明,全球变暖和氮 (N) 富集会降低丛枝菌根真菌 (AMF) 的有效性。然而,全球变化驱动因素和 AMF 相互作用影响植物物候的机制仍然知之甚少。我们在 3 年内对两种草进行了原位实验,研究了变暖、N 添加和 AMF 减少对植物物候学的影响。这两个物种物候的逐年变化比实验处理引起的变化更明显。对于 Puccinellia tenuiflora (P. tenuiflora),我们的 9 次物候测量中只有 1 次是显着的:AMF 减少缩短了繁殖持续时间。对于羊草(L. chinensis),9 个物候测量中的 5 个是显着的:变暖促进开花和结果时间,N 添加缩短了繁殖持续时间,并且 AMF 减少延迟了开花和结果时间。观察到加温加氮、加温和减少AMF对中华白菜繁殖和结果时间的显着交互作用:加温加氮促进结果时间和缩短繁殖持续时间,加温加减AMF延迟结果时间和缩短繁殖持续时间L. chinensis。此外,对于这两个物种,未检测到实验处理与年度气候变化之间的交互作用。这些结果表明,变暖、N 添加和 AMF 减少对植物物候的影响在很大程度上是独立的,并且随着时间的推移是一致的。然而,